Primary 3 – Friday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good morning everyone, happy Friday! 🎉🌷

On your timetable today we have Numeracy, Literacy and then ‘Free Time Friday’ !


In class, before we came off we were working on measure. We were learning to use metres and centimetres as a unit of measurement.

Have a look at the video below to remind you how we do this.


Begin by playing this game on level 1. This will help you work out the length of objects by measuring in cms against the on screen ruler.

Find 10 different objects in your house.

Order these from smallest to largest.

Next muddle them up and organise them into two piles.

Bigger than 30cms and Smaller than 30cms.

You can note your answers down in your jotter, write them on the P3 Blog or even take a picture and post it on the blog to show everyone your hard work!

Triangles and Squares

Begin by playing this game on level 2. This will help you work out the length of objects by measuring in cms against the on screen ruler. However this level uses  half centimetres too.

Remember half centimetres measure 0.5 cm.

To explain… if an object measures exactly half way between 5cm and 6cm. This object would measure 5.5cm. Click on the link below to play the game.

Lets see what you remember about conversion.

Remember there are 100cm in 1m.

An example would be …

706 cm = 7m 6cm

848cm = 8m 48cm

Can you convert the following into metres and cm  (Just like the examples above)

  • 200cm
  • 400cm
  • 600cm
  • 50cm
  • 250cm
  • 420cm
  • 570cm
  • 390cm
  • 110cm
  • 150cm
  • 280cm
  • 250cm

Sumdog Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Millie
2nd – Lorena
3rd – Sophie

4th –Lennox

5th – Isla

The Sumdog Challenge ends tonight at 10pm. Keep checking the blog as I will post the winner tomorrow!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

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