Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good Morning Primary 3! ✨

I hope you are having a lovely week so far. Today we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and a Home Learning Challenge!



I hope your addition to 30 Numicon questions went well yesterday remember if you are struggling or need some help you can always write to me on the P3 blog and I will be able to help. Lets practice some more of these today. Try to answer the questions below in your red maths jotter. If it’s helpful for you to draw the Numicon shapes in your jotter feel free to do this!


I hope you are all managing to work out the answers to these column addition sums. I know it can be tricky to work out addition sums where we have to carry the 10/ regroup our numbers but we have to keep practicing until we can do these easily!. Today we are going to keep working on sums where we have to carry the ten or regroup numbers .

Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter.


Remember to be super careful to line up your numbers using place value. This will help to keep our work neat and make it easier for us to add numbers accurately. Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter.

Remember if you are struggling with this or need a little bit of help use the P3 blog to ask any questions and I will do my best to help!

Triangles and Squares

Use this game to help practice your number bonds to 100.

Click the link below.

  • Click number bonds
  • Then click make 100!

Sumdog Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Sophie
2nd – Lennox
3rd – Lorena
4th –Isla

5th – Ruby

Don’t worry it doesn’t end until tomorrow so you have time to join in the fun!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

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