Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Challenge!

Yesterday we started our Coronavirus memory tasks.

We began to think about how we feel and what we are looking forward to doing when things go back to normal. We then drew a picture of who we are spending our time at home with and a picture of the place where we are living during this strange time.

Today we are going to be continuing this.

Remember the layout of all of these tasks are up to you. You could do it in your jotter, you could make a little book, you can decorate the pages in any way you like.

Task 3

Todays task we are going to look at ourselves.

This could be very important if we want to have a look back in a few weeks, months or even years to see what has changed or what things are still the same. This page is all about YOU!

Think about…

Your favourite things.

Best Friends

What you want to do when you grow up.

Here is an example of how to lay this out 🙂

Task 4

Next we are going to think about all of the fun things you are doing to keep busy during this strange time! You can write a list, draw a mind map, draw little pictures. Again it is totally up to you how you want to lay this out!

Another example of this might be like this…

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