Primary 3 – Friday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good morning everyone, happy Friday!

Remember this is our last home learning day for 2 whole weeks. During the 2 week break, spend sometime with your family, play, relax, have fun and most importantly stay safe! Have a lovely 2 week break.

You can even post on the P3 blog to let me know what you have been up to  🙂

On your timetable today we have Numeracy, Literacy and then ‘Free Time Friday’ (You’ve earned it)!


Squares – the last sum is a bit of a challenge 🙂


Lets try to answer some multiplication word problems focusing on the 2 times table.

Remember you can draw pictures to help you! Have a look back at Wednesdays task as an example of how to work these out. Give these a go in your little red maths jotter.

Ask someone at home to help you read the question if you are struggling.

Triangles and Squares

In your pack you have a sheet of times tables word problems, complete this today. Remember the different strategies you can use to help you eg, skip counting, grouping, repeated addition and arrays.

Keep practicing your times tables through playing games on websites such as Top marks and

The links for these are in the previous blog posts.

Sumdog Primary 3 Maths Challenge

This is the last day of our Sumdog Challenge!

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge.

The challenge will close at 10pm tonight so I will post the winner by tomorrow morning when all the scores have been calculated!

So far our leader board looks like this…

1st –Aoife
2nd –Lennox
3rd – Mason
4th – Sophie
5th – Lorena
6th – Jessica

Well done to everyone who has taken part!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

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