Primary 3 – Friday Home Learning Literacy!

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.


Use your spelling words for the week to create a silly story that includes each of your spelling words! Complete this task in your blue home learning jotter!

Or complete this task on our class blog so everyone can be cheered up when they see your silly story. 🙂


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