Primary 3 – Friday and Home Learning Packs!

As Friday was the last day we would all be together in class for a while we thought it would be nice to share lots of ideas of what we could to do together.  We came up with a list and managed to tick off quite a few fun things!

We joined together with the Primary 1’s and Primary 2’s and had a Kapla Building Challenge then we played lots of games together with the giant parachute before all going to play in the pod! We had such a great time with all of our friends.

In the afternoon we decided to make a giant poster of things we have enjoyed in Primary 3 (so far)! It was lots of fun.

I hope you have all managed to collect your home learning  packs and are looking  forward to completing all the activities inside.

In the pack I have given you a little time table to help remind you what we would be doing at school during these times. You don’t have to stick to it rigidly but please try and do some learning at home to keep your brains working the best they can! Remember I will be posting on the blog each day with some more activities, games and challenges you can complete too.

If you need any help advice or even a chat with me or your friends, we have the class P3 blog  you can use for that as well. Any posts you complete or comments you make I will check each day and load them on to the blog for everyone to read and enjoy!

Remember we still have a 2 week break from 28th March to the 13th April so you don’t have to complete any school work for these two weeks. Use this time to spend with your families, play together and have fun. We don’t have to work all the time 🙂

I really do wish all of you good health and hope you stay safe over the coming weeks. Remember to be brave, kind and look after yourselves and your families!

I can’t wait to see you all again when the school reopens.

Miss Macdonald

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