Please may I be an explorer?

We imagined that we were writing to apply for the position of  explorer in Antarctica. We needed to say why we wanted to go and why we should be chosen instead of others…..did we have any particular skills? It was really important that we paid attention to our handwriting, spelling and punctuation too as we wanted to show that we always try our hardest.


An explorer needs to be able to follow directions. We had fun giving instructions to our partner and directing them to an object in the classroom using the directions, forward, backward, left and right.



Then we gave directions to find items on our maps.

Using the 2 times tables

Ola spotted that some of the playground equipment were set in 2s. We set out to find more sets of 2s and made the sum to match the items.

4 x 2 = 8 ( children)

3 x 2 = 6 ( poles )

We also looked at the wheels on scooters. Can you see the 2 times tables all around you?

How cold is it in Antarctica?

Today we put our hands in cold water for 10 seconds , then transferred them into icy water and then blew on them to imitate a  cold wind, before quickly warming our hands.

Now we have some idea of how cold it might be in Antarctica and what clothing an explorer would need and we dressed our paper explorers appropriately.

Exploring Antarctica

This term we will be thinking about how people  explore Antarctica, today and in the past.

We thought about what explorers would want to find out and then we “packed our bags” with all the things we might need.

I am glad to see that between us we thought of food,  a number of cuddly toys and family photos,  warm clothing, sleeping bags and tents. Thank you Adam for suggesting flares in case we needed to call for help and Erin for bringing some plasters. Ethan your diary and pencil will come in useful and the phones and cameras you all suggested will also be useful for recording what we find. Thank you Rosemary for bringing hot drinks in flasks. Asim, we might be able to make a fire with the sticks you are bringing.

P3 , you would make great adventurers!



Times tables

We had great fun playing games to help us learn our 2  times table.

You might like to play these games help you practise counting in 2s.

These games are great for practising the 2 times table:

(select 2 times table)

( select 2 times table – remember answers in this table are always even numbers!

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