Tens and units


This term we are looking at subtracting tens and units.We have been working in small groups. Here we are learning how to exchange a ten into units.



2 childrenĀ  use Numicon to demonstrate the sum , whilst the third member of the group writes the sum down.

Literacy project

We have been busy creating pastel pictures of people who are special to us

We were very lucky to have Mrs Lange, who is also an artist , show us how to use pastels effectively. We are very pleased with our results and look forward to combining them with writing when we meet Vivian French again.

Sorry! Comments missed

Many, many thanks to all who have commented on our blog. Some messages have been missed as they had been directed into the spam file and I had missed them.However they have now been retrieved and replied to. I have learned something new and will continue to check less obvious places for comments.

Bonfire Night

So many festivals this term…..

On Friday we learned about the origins of Bonfire Night. We heard the story of Guy Fawkes and decided to help King James find Guy by designing a poster to help capture him. Guy was captured and we learned why we now have fireworks on November 5th.



We then listened to some fireworkĀ music and used itĀ  inspiration to draw theĀ fireworks thatĀ we imagined as we listened to the music.


Finally we selected instruments to make our own firework

music and mimed being fireworks.

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