A very famous visitor

Today we welcomed a very famous author to P3.

We had enjoyed reading “Oliver’s Vegetables” when we were learning about the journey of food last term.

Well today, Vivian French, the author of this, and many other books, arrived in our classroom!!!! She read us ” I am a woolly hat” and involved us with a writing project.

It was great fun and a wonderful experience meeting a famous author.

We are looking forward to meeting her again soon and thank Moira and Elaine for involving us in this exciting project.

4 thoughts on “A very famous visitor”

  1. My goodness Primary 3 aren’t you wonderful! You came up with such lovely comments about the person who is special to you, it made our hearts sing:-)
    We know we have picked a really excellent class to help us pilot this project, thank you.
    See you soon.
    Moira and Elaine

    1. Vivian has written a number of books- hope you enjoy them. The library will also have some. Remember to ask when you visit with Mrs Oglesby.

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