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Moving on to metre measures!

We took advantage of the lovely weather to get outside for more measuring. We have done lots of work with non standard measures and we have chatted about the issues with using them. We came to the conclusion that having a way of measuring that was always the same and that people all over the world would understand would be better, especially when it comes to building important things like houses, roads and bridges. We then went out and about using metre sticks, estimating and measuring. There was some super maths on the go with some people using repeated addition to work out the length of a square in the playground or of the wooden raised beds. We have some excellent engineers in the making!

Active Maths in Primary 2

We were on the go all day today. We started with maths. Mrs Oglesby has bought game show buzzers to make our maths even more exciting and fun. In teams, we had to toss pom poms into tens and units baskets, add up our score and whack that buzzer! Next we built chimney sums using the baskets and Pom poms and added the units and tens. We then used our practical experience to write and complete sums using the interactive whiteboard.