Tag Archives: Numicon

P1- Batty About Teen Numbers

In numeracy we have been focusing on learning about the family of ‘teen numbers’. These have 2 digits and the first is always a ‘1’. This ‘1’ means it has ‘1 group of ten’ and this is very important to remember. The other digit tells us how many more! For example 15 has 1 group of ten and 5 more. To help with this we took part in a batty number challenge- each bat had a teen number on its tummy and we had to add he correct numicon tiles and pom-poms to show the number in a visual way and check our thinking.

Buddy Numeracy

Whilst at ‘Play in a Pod’ we saved a little time to show our big buddies some of our numeracy learning and numicon games. We are learning to build our numicon number lines and to spot the missing tile! We can even remember the magic trick to pack the little boxes properly by matching up the special friends who add together to make 10 from opposite ends of the number line! Ask us to see if we can remember!!!