Tag Archives: Numeracy

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 13 Wednesday 29th April 2020

Wednesday again so a break from the normal RWI routine.  In school on Wednesday’s we are usually very busy doing our literacy and numeracy along with ICT and PE too!  So I will try to cover all of these in todays activities…

Literacy – Mrs Brankin’s Helicopter story approach and linked task found below after some parent info.  Just scroll down if you want! 😉

The 2 links below are just for parent information if anyone wants to find out more about the ‘Helicopter Story approach’ we at St Ninian’s use as part of our literacy in P1.  You may have seen some of this work at our Bookbug event earlier this year too!  This approach looks to build children’s confidence as storytellers and storywriters and we have seen some great success with it this year so wanted to try aspect of it for home-learning.

This year I am lucky enough to have Mrs Brankin in the class for a time on Wednesdays and to get the  most of this time she takes some children for literacy using a ‘helicopter story approach’ linked to what we are learning across the curriculum.  I then take the others to learn some ICT skills in the computer room and then we switch over!  This means smaller groups, more teaching time and better for the learners success!


So now for the task for the children set by Mrs Brankin…At home listen to the story “I’m not just a Scribble” https://youtu.be/U8go4ZveIcU then act out some of the things that Scribble does.

Create your own scribble adding eyes, a mouth, arms and legs. You can even create a scribble family like my boy Clark did. Give your scribble a name, then tell a grown up a story about scribble and ask them to scribe/ write down your story about scribble.

Send your scribble drawings and stories to Miss Thompson who can share them with me and we can put them all together to create the adventures of scribble. I can’t wait to read them.

Numeracy/ICT –

See if you can log on to the device you are using and access the favourites section in BusyThings using your login details. Take your time when typing in the details.  Can you do this independently?

In the favourites you will see a range of saved games.  Please take time to play ‘Miner Birds – Addition and Subtraction’.  There are 3 levels to choose from and you play against the computer….I wonder who will be the winner?  You will have to use all of your numeracy skills coupled with your computer skills to win the game.  Play for around 15 minutes.

Other Tasks – Health and Wellbeing (PE)

Wednesday is our normal gym day so I have added a link to a fun dance lesson for age 5-9 from Scottish Youth Dance.  It last 25minutes and is themed to Hogwarts, casting spells, making potions and flying on broomsticks!  All you need is a clear safe space and something to be your wand, have fun!

Just follow this link, read the parent info and scroll down to choose dance class called

YCreate Creative Dance for ages 5 – 9 with Aimee:


P1- The Maths Factor


This site is normally a paid for home learning tool aimed at 4-11 year olds focussing in numeracy and created by Carol Vorderman but at the moment it is being made FREE for parents!!! If you want extra numeracy challenges and feel your child would be more likely to engage if it is ICT games-based then click the link and sign up. From what I can see it is progressive and sets the level to your child’s age, stage and ability and presents learning in a clear and playful way. Let me know what you think (good or bad) if anyone creates an account.

P1- Subtraction Tasks

We have continued to focus on our subtraction skills this week and had fun learning and playing with these ‘subtraction smash’ playdough and ‘stamp and subtract’ activities in small groups. We are gaining confidence using a range of strategies including our fingers, Manipulatives, drawing our thinking, counting back and number lines to take away successfully. Our next steps are to look at the link between adding and subtraction and to try to solve word problems.

P1- adding to our learning

In our numeracy we have been looking back and remembering the adding strategies and skills we began learning last term and have worked hard to expand these. We have used these skills to solve some problems in groups and pairs and have enjoyed playing lots of different adding games to practise our adding skills. Next we will try to represent and record our thinking, try to solve word problems and independently choose which strategies to use and when.

P1- Reflective learners

We have been developing our understanding of how to talk about ourselves as learners and recognise and share what we think is going well and what we can do next to get even better. We have even been giving our classmates some feedback on their learning too!

After working on teen numbers and applying this to some ‘all about number’ workbook based tasks,  we looked back on our work and shared firstly with a friend and then our teacher what we thought was our ‘best bit’ and what we wanted to try hard with next time.