Category Archives: Pupil voice

Health Choices-Food to Fuel our Bodies and Brains

As a special treat to mark the end of our first term in P1 and as part of our Fit Thursday learning, we enjoyed this enormous fruit salad together in the outside classroom. It was so big we had seconds and in some cases even thirds 😀 There was 12 different fruits in it, some we knew already, some we had tasted and some we tried for the first time. We sorted, counted and compared the different fruits. We noticed they were all different in size, colour, feel, shape, smell and of course taste! But they did have some things in common such as they are healthy, can be cut and begin to get rotten after some time. Lots of great ideas from our class! 🍊🍓🍍🍐🍎🍉🍑🥝🍌🍏🍋🥭

Primary 1- Proud of our Achievements in term 1

We took time to share our ‘Story of my Learning’ books with our friends and our families yesterday. We were proud to show all of the wonderful learning, effort and achievements we have already made as big school boys or girls!

A huge thank you to all of the grown ups who came and gave such wonderful feedback, hugely appreciated!

P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

We are independent learners who can make decisions, contribute to and influence our learning environment. We have been making grand plans to develop our very own P1 garden area into an outdoor learning space with lots of opportunities for us to grow and develop life and learning skills.

We have already focussed on what things we already have in the area, worked together to share and compare spaces we would like to play with those we wouldn’t, measured and figured out the shape of the space  and came up with some ideas of things we would like to play and learn in our garden.

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