Category Archives: Play to learn

P1- Subtraction Tasks

We have continued to focus on our subtraction skills this week and had fun learning and playing with these ‘subtraction smash’ playdough and ‘stamp and subtract’ activities in small groups. We are gaining confidence using a range of strategies including our fingers, Manipulatives, drawing our thinking, counting back and number lines to take away successfully. Our next steps are to look at the link between adding and subtraction and to try to solve word problems.

P1- Super sense of touch

We are learning about our senses and focussed on touch earlier this week in a number of fun play to learn tasks including a mystery object game, an independent ‘textures to touch’ picture which our teacher asked us to explain later and got the opportunity to play in a range of different messy mediums such as spaghetti, icey water, lentils, gloop and mixed playdough! It was a busy learning time but lots of fun too!

P1- Invention and play

We love learning and playing in our class and outdoor environment and this week lots of us made some very inventive and creative models using different construction materials. We can share our thinking and tell others about our designs and how we overcame challenges. Amongst other things we had a waterfall, a new floor, a house with a trampoline, a train, some tall tall towers, a Lego work truck and even a real stick man!

P1- Monsters Love Colour

We combined literacy (rhyme) and art to explore colour mixing using the story Monsters Love Colours. We discovered that from the 3 primary colours we could make many more colours including orange, green and purple.




We also discovered that mixing black and white together makes grey. The more white we added made the grey colour created get lighter and lighter! But more black made it darker in shade.

Messy fun, cooperation and lots of learning!

P1- Batty About Teen Numbers

In numeracy we have been focusing on learning about the family of ‘teen numbers’. These have 2 digits and the first is always a ‘1’. This ‘1’ means it has ‘1 group of ten’ and this is very important to remember. The other digit tells us how many more! For example 15 has 1 group of ten and 5 more. To help with this we took part in a batty number challenge- each bat had a teen number on its tummy and we had to add he correct numicon tiles and pom-poms to show the number in a visual way and check our thinking.