Category Archives: Our learning environment

Primary 1- Using Technology in our Play

After some help from our P7 buddies in how to use the laptops, we now have 2 of our very own in our class. They are available to use everyday but we have a 10 minute timer to ensure everyone can get a turn. We love to select from a range of learning games to help our learning across the curriculum and develop our skills with the use of technology. 💻

P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

We are independent learners who can make decisions, contribute to and influence our learning environment. We have been making grand plans to develop our very own P1 garden area into an outdoor learning space with lots of opportunities for us to grow and develop life and learning skills.

We have already focussed on what things we already have in the area, worked together to share and compare spaces we would like to play with those we wouldn’t, measured and figured out the shape of the space  and came up with some ideas of things we would like to play and learn in our garden.

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St Ninian’s – our school is like a big family

We have been settling so well into P1. We know that just like our family home, who love and care for us, our school family are there to keep us safe and help us to grow and learn. We have been sharing a little bit about our wonderful families at home with our class by creating our big family tree display.  Thank you to our grown ups for sending in these lovely photos. Our tree is still growing each day as more snaps come in!