Category Archives: Literacy

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 13 Wednesday 29th April 2020

Wednesday again so a break from the normal RWI routine.  In school on Wednesday’s we are usually very busy doing our literacy and numeracy along with ICT and PE too!  So I will try to cover all of these in todays activities…

Literacy – Mrs Brankin’s Helicopter story approach and linked task found below after some parent info.  Just scroll down if you want! 😉

The 2 links below are just for parent information if anyone wants to find out more about the ‘Helicopter Story approach’ we at St Ninian’s use as part of our literacy in P1.  You may have seen some of this work at our Bookbug event earlier this year too!  This approach looks to build children’s confidence as storytellers and storywriters and we have seen some great success with it this year so wanted to try aspect of it for home-learning.

This year I am lucky enough to have Mrs Brankin in the class for a time on Wednesdays and to get the  most of this time she takes some children for literacy using a ‘helicopter story approach’ linked to what we are learning across the curriculum.  I then take the others to learn some ICT skills in the computer room and then we switch over!  This means smaller groups, more teaching time and better for the learners success!

So now for the task for the children set by Mrs Brankin…At home listen to the story “I’m not just a Scribble” then act out some of the things that Scribble does.

Create your own scribble adding eyes, a mouth, arms and legs. You can even create a scribble family like my boy Clark did. Give your scribble a name, then tell a grown up a story about scribble and ask them to scribe/ write down your story about scribble.

Send your scribble drawings and stories to Miss Thompson who can share them with me and we can put them all together to create the adventures of scribble. I can’t wait to read them.

Numeracy/ICT –

See if you can log on to the device you are using and access the favourites section in BusyThings using your login details. Take your time when typing in the details.  Can you do this independently?

In the favourites you will see a range of saved games.  Please take time to play ‘Miner Birds – Addition and Subtraction’.  There are 3 levels to choose from and you play against the computer….I wonder who will be the winner?  You will have to use all of your numeracy skills coupled with your computer skills to win the game.  Play for around 15 minutes.

Other Tasks – Health and Wellbeing (PE)

Wednesday is our normal gym day so I have added a link to a fun dance lesson for age 5-9 from Scottish Youth Dance.  It last 25minutes and is themed to Hogwarts, casting spells, making potions and flying on broomsticks!  All you need is a clear safe space and something to be your wand, have fun!

Just follow this link, read the parent info and scroll down to choose dance class called

YCreate Creative Dance for ages 5 – 9 with Aimee:

Primary 1- Term 4 Day 11 Monday 27th April

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Here is today’s learning…

First, here is the link to a listening and movement song to get you all awake and ready to learn.

Literacy – normal Monday routine…

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play this word building game by using the sounds or letters in the word ‘friendship’ to see how many of your own words you can make. I will give you one to get you started- f-i-sh= fish 🐟  😅 we will focus more on the theme of friendship later in our learning today. 

2. Reading– Play some more of ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ by logging in using your account details.
3. Also, work on the reading of the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story on your reading sheet booklet.

Red literacy group- sheet 7Green literacy group- sheet 16

Pink literacy group- sheet 32Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

4. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Numeracy- adding and taking away game.
Use the photo and example shown below to help.

Get ready to play- Set up your cards face down and get a grown up to help you section off a double page in your jotter just like the photo. To make the game easier if needed, only put out cards 1-5. Next, get your counters all ready in a pile and place your 10s frame laminate beside everything else. We will play the game 8 times until all boxes are full and each should have an adding and a take away sum in the end.  you will also need a pencil.

Playing the game – turn over 2 cards and look at the numbers. Which is larger and which is smaller. Can you add these numbers together?  Use your counters to help show and prove your thinking! Practise representing your calculation as a number sentence (sum). Next subtract one number from the other, remembering that the biggest must go first! Again, you can show this with your counters, just like I have in the photo and show it as a sum in your jotter. With larger numbers you may not be able to show both calculations in counters in the 10s frames at the same time like I have. Mix up your cards and get ready to play again. Keep playing until all boxes are filled.

Other task – Health and Wellbeing

We will use the below link to a BBC Bitesize lesson focussed on friendship.

We all have lots of great friends in P1 and even though we can’t see our school friends everyday at the moment, they are still our good friends and can’t wait to play together again soon. Watch the videos in the lesson to help you to think about friendship and do some of the below activities- Who do you play with or talk to regularly in school? Draw pictures of them and write their names. What makes them a good friend to have?

Think about what Bill and Owen  in the video said about things they share. Draw or write down the things you share with your friends and the games you like playing together.


Bookbug Gifting Event

We had a great time sharing all of our literacy learning using the fantastic resources in our Bookbug bags. Thank you all for coming along and to our p7 buddies for helping also.

Our winning book was Station Mouse! Now we will just have to wait and see which story wins the overall Picture Book Prize early next year.

P1- Our buddies helping us to learn

Thank you Mrs Paton and P7 for helping us to find wow words and create our own spells just like the witch in our 3rd and final Bookbug bag story!  Whilst some of us were working in p7’s classroom, others where showing our buddies how good we are at Scottish country dancing. We know 3 dances and know the steps to success are listening, counting, remembering the moves and the order and working together as a team!