Category Archives: health and wellbeing

P1- A Leafy Start to Term 2

As part of our learning about the world around us and the changing seasons, lots of our learning across the curriculum this week has been themed to leaves.🍁

We learned about what happens in autumn and were interested in discovering why the leaves fall and change colour. We went out to collect leaves which we used for some different learning opportunities.

In numeracy we used leaves to sort and group, estimate and count and sequence. We even tried some leaf rubbings in the outdoor classroom and tried to choose autumnal colours.

We helped each other to make lovely leaf necklaces. It was very tricky to tie the string to the stick and to carefully poke a little hole into each leave as we added it on. We even made a nice headband for Mrs MacPhail and she was very pleased with it!

Finally through the story Leaf Man we developed our literacy and expressive art skills. We loved how all of the illustrations in the story are made from leaves and even created some of our own. They look great!

Overall, some lovely leafy learning to kick start term 2!

Fit Thursday Fun

Learning the the power of breathing and how wonderful our bodies are at yoga.

Following dance moves and creating our own in the Zumba class.

Setting off the whole school ‘run a mile’ in style. Building resilience, fitness and healthy habits.

Working as a team, using listening skills and balance and movement development in the gym.

Fab football skills and teamwork out on the pitch.

Health Choices-Food to Fuel our Bodies and Brains

As a special treat to mark the end of our first term in P1 and as part of our Fit Thursday learning, we enjoyed this enormous fruit salad together in the outside classroom. It was so big we had seconds and in some cases even thirds 😀 There was 12 different fruits in it, some we knew already, some we had tasted and some we tried for the first time. We sorted, counted and compared the different fruits. We noticed they were all different in size, colour, feel, shape, smell and of course taste! But they did have some things in common such as they are healthy, can be cut and begin to get rotten after some time. Lots of great ideas from our class! 🍊🍓🍍🍐🍎🍉🍑🥝🍌🍏🍋🥭

P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

We are independent learners who can make decisions, contribute to and influence our learning environment. We have been making grand plans to develop our very own P1 garden area into an outdoor learning space with lots of opportunities for us to grow and develop life and learning skills.

We have already focussed on what things we already have in the area, worked together to share and compare spaces we would like to play with those we wouldn’t, measured and figured out the shape of the space  and came up with some ideas of things we would like to play and learn in our garden.

Continue reading P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

First School Lunch

Before our first full day at school, we had the opportunity to visit the dining hall with our grown ups from home to try out the meals on offer. We learned to be independent- carried our own trays to the table we wanted to sit at and tried some new foods. We even tidied up our own things once we had finished! Looking forward to full days at school next week! 

We remember our ‘Minnie Manners’

The story ‘Minnie the Monkey’ helped us to share our ideas about how we can all work together to learn and play safely in Primary 1. We learned about the words respect and kindness and how we can show these to everyone through our words and actions. We have settled on 4 things to try to do each day…

Respect my right to play, learn, be safe and be heard!

We made this little monkey for the wall to help us to remember these.