Category Archives: Buddies

Celebrating 100 days of a school 💯

We had a fantastic time celebrating our 100th day at school. First, our classroom had 100 balloons to play with as a surprise after assembly time. Then, we did lots of number jobs thinking about the number 100! We found it on our big 100 square and spoke about it being different because it had 3 digits! None of the other numbers on the square do so 100 is special. It is made up of 10 groups of 10 and we made this using our numicon and our big number beads! We then wondered what 100 would look like if we counted out lots of different things. We found that 100 can look very different but it can still be 100! We also went on a 100 step journey and painted a picture with 100 dots! Later, with the help of our p7 buddies we read 100 books, made ourselves lovely ‘when I am 100’ collages and wrote about what we hoped to do by the time we are 100 years old using the photos our teacher made for us on a special app. We looked funny and a little wrinkly! You can see some of this work in the photo collages below. We also wore real lady or man fancy scarves or ties to attend a little tea party where there was some food and music to dance too. We had a great day!

P1- Welcome back! 2020 is a New Year full of new adventures

We had a fab time getting back to school and sharing all of our holiday adventures and stories with our classmates. As part of thinking about our targets, we decided to make some New Years resolutions to become our social target for the term ahead. Take a look at the ideas we came up with… Continue reading P1- Welcome back! 2020 is a New Year full of new adventures

Bookbug Gifting Event

We had a great time sharing all of our literacy learning using the fantastic resources in our Bookbug bags. Thank you all for coming along and to our p7 buddies for helping also.

Our winning book was Station Mouse! Now we will just have to wait and see which story wins the overall Picture Book Prize early next year.

P1- Our buddies helping us to learn

Thank you Mrs Paton and P7 for helping us to find wow words and create our own spells just like the witch in our 3rd and final Bookbug bag story!  Whilst some of us were working in p7’s classroom, others where showing our buddies how good we are at Scottish country dancing. We know 3 dances and know the steps to success are listening, counting, remembering the moves and the order and working together as a team!


P1- Writing for a purpose

Look out for your invitation to our ‘Bookbug  Gifting Event and Picture Book Prize Ceremony’.  Our buddies will be coming along too to help us to vote for our favourite story, before we get to take our Bookbug bag home forever!

We had a great time writing our invites today and decorating them before putting them into an envelope to give to our mums, dads and special grown-ups at home. We hope lots of you can come along and see what we have been up to in school with our Bookbug bags.

P1- Buddy Pod Time

We spend time catching up with our big buddies at the Pod earlier this week. Some of the creations from this time were an obstacle course to help balancing skills and fitness, a team game with a ‘net’ to try to throw across to get points, a car used to drive us to work and lastly, a house which kept growing and growing. Very imaginative and creative ideas Primary 1!

P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

We are independent learners who can make decisions, contribute to and influence our learning environment. We have been making grand plans to develop our very own P1 garden area into an outdoor learning space with lots of opportunities for us to grow and develop life and learning skills.

We have already focussed on what things we already have in the area, worked together to share and compare spaces we would like to play with those we wouldn’t, measured and figured out the shape of the space  and came up with some ideas of things we would like to play and learn in our garden.

Continue reading P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway