All posts by Miss Thompson

P1- Subtraction Tasks

We have continued to focus on our subtraction skills this week and had fun learning and playing with these ‘subtraction smash’ playdough and ‘stamp and subtract’ activities in small groups. We are gaining confidence using a range of strategies including our fingers, Manipulatives, drawing our thinking, counting back and number lines to take away successfully. Our next steps are to look at the link between adding and subtraction and to try to solve word problems.

P1- Super sense of touch

We are learning about our senses and focussed on touch earlier this week in a number of fun play to learn tasks including a mystery object game, an independent ‘textures to touch’ picture which our teacher asked us to explain later and got the opportunity to play in a range of different messy mediums such as spaghetti, icey water, lentils, gloop and mixed playdough! It was a busy learning time but lots of fun too!

P1- Learning to Login

We learned how to log onto the school computers in ICT this week.

It is quite a tricky process with lots of steps and buttons to remember to press in the right order.  We did very well for our first time and will continue to practise this life skill throughout the coming weeks until we can to is unsupported, independently and a little faster!

We learned how to power on the parts of the computer, how to use our ‘bunny ears and Peter Pointer’ to unlock by pressing 3 keys at once (we look for the ones starting with C.A.D) and how to input our usernames and passwords. It was very tricky to find all of the correct keys but we all got on in time to play some online learning games.

Miss Thompson is sorry she didn’t get any pics but she was very busy helping us with our technology instead!

P1- Designing our own fitness station

We have been learning all about keeping fit and healthy and have been taking part in different fitness circuits in the gym hall. We have learned about the signs our body shows when it is exercising such as a faster beating heart, sweaty, hot and red skin, fast and loud breathing and feeling tired.

This week we worked in small groups to use all of our learning to come up with our very own station to help our classmates to get fit. We had to share ideas, agree, gather our equipment and design our task. Next, we had to share it with others and give them instructions and a demonstration on what to do, how to be safe and what it would do for our bodies!

We just had time to try them all out! It was lots of fun. Here are some pictures showing our work…