All posts by Miss Thompson

P1- Day 2 Tuesday 24th March 💕

P1- Home Learning Tasks for Tuesday 24th March

Remember Joe Wicks is available every day streamed at 9am. Let me know what you think of this resource?


Phonics- 🎲

  1. Practice all sounds on sound chart just like yesterday
  2. 💗Pink literacy group – revise ‘ay’ by getting your grown up to say each word on the ‘ay’ page of your ‘speed sounds’ booklet and without looking, can you count the sounds using your ‘Fred fingers’ and try to write a few of these in your blue jotter. Next play your ‘race to the pond’ game using the ‘set 2’ side. Use the counters and dice provided.

💚Green literacy group – revise ‘ay’ sound as above but please play the ‘set 1’ side of ‘race to the pond’.

Red literacy group – play ‘race to the pond’ on set 1 side only.

(see photo below)


  1. All learners login to your OxfordOwl account using details provided on your ‘home learning folder’ and select a book to read or have read to you.
  2. Re-read your reading sheet from yesterday (see above photo)  and see if you can read it a little faster but with a good storyteller voice! (Red- sheet 1, Green- sheet 10 and Pink- sheet 25)


In you blue jotter, above the ‘hold a sentence’ from yesterday, can you draw a picture of something that happens in your reading sheet. Try to include as much detail as you can. My advice would be to avoid felt tip pens as they will leak through to the next jotter pages! 😭

Numeracy 🔢

Mental activity- adding numbers

Using your playing cards, let’s play an adding  game. Turn over all cards so as you cannot see the numbers (for easier use the ace (1) up to 4 or for an extra challenge use all cards)

Turn two cards over. Add these together and record your total or score. Do it again 5 times mixing the cards after each go, recording your score each time. What was the highest total you were able to make?

Early Level Maths Record Book – complete pages 3 and 4 using all of our numeracy learning around counting, comparing, more and less. Get your grown ups to use the ‘teachers notes’ box at the bottom of the page if they need some help with the instruction.

Other curricular/play based task – 🏡

Can you find things at home to build yourself a little den or fort??? (Sorry grown ups! 🙈) Send a photo of your designs to me if you want to share these  and I will post as a collage to share your efforts and help you all keep in touch! Come on P1, you are very imaginative and creative in school, let’s see what you can come up with at home!!! Please remember, it is your job to clear this up by putting everything back where it belongs afterwards!!! Grown ups, if you want help with tidy up time, we use the ‘Tidy Up Rhumba’ in class as it is a good length and nobody should give up the cleaning up before the song is over! Just google it!

Remember, please just email me if you need anything.


P1- Day 1 Monday 23rd March 🌟

Hello everyone! The date today is Monday 23rd of March 2020 and this is day 1 of our ‘blog-based learning’ posts.
Day 1 and I am missing your little faces already! 🥰

To kick start your day and get your body moving!  Watch Joe Wicks Body Coach for 3O mins Physical activity aimed at children at home! This is streamed live on the YouTube channel at 9am

Literacy Learning

  1. Phonics- Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play  ‘mystery word’ with your grown up. Play by pointing at each sound in a range of between 3-5 words for child to guess, encourage them to ‘Fred in their head’.
  2. Reading- Download the free app or login to the website for ‘Teach your monster to read’. Today, please create your monster and begin playing the game. Also, work on the reading of the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story on your reading sheet booklet. Red literacy group- sheet 1. Green literacy group- sheet 10. Pink literacy group- sheet 25. Complete the question to talk about section detailed at the bottom of page.
  3. Writing- Do the ‘hold a sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?


Mental number- counting skills
Walk from these rooms counting how many steps you need to take as you go. Make sure you count using footsteps by putting your heel to toe, no cheating! Bring your number lines and 100 square. Can you find how many on these? Can you talk about how many tens and how many more/ones the number has?

  1. Front door to your bedroom
  2. Front door to bathroom
  3. Kitchen to living room
  4. Parent(s) bedroom to you bedroom and on to the front door.

Numeracy activity- Addition revision
How many ways can you find to add up 5? Can you explain your ideas using objects from home to prove your thinking? Can you show your adding skills using the adding strategies on your poster in your pack? Use your green jotter to show your learning if you can.

Other task
1- This is a new situation for us all so take some time with your grown up to help create a schedule of things you are going to do on ‘school days’ whilst your at home. Think about the order of the days, what time you will get up, how you will fit in your ‘blog learning jobs’ from me and make sure you have time for play, reading stories, safely getting fresh air etc. I will post some examples below to help inspire you but do as much of as little works for you and your family!

Remember you can leave comments and photos here in this post and email me if you want to, all details are included in your learning packs. Take care and sending love,

Miss Thompson x



P1-Trip to Sensation

To extend our body learning and find out more about the role of our main organs, we all went on a fun trip to the science centre.

After spending time touring the centre and playing with lots of science exhibits, we then went to a Body Bits learning workshop. It was here that we met Stuffy, the giant rag doll who has a special zip right down his chest. Lots of us got to go and pull out one of Stuffy’s organs to learn more about. We found his stomach, large and small intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys and heart.

Take a look at some of the photos below showing some of our learning experiences at the science centre….


P1- My Brain – The Boss of my body

As part of our learning about the body, we focussed on finding out more about our brains!

We learned that it is rough, wrinkled and looks all squashed because it has to fit into our skull and the skull has the job of providing protection to our brain. If our brain was flat it would be around the size of a whole ironing board and can you imagine the size our head would need to be to hold it!

We worked together to create some plasticine brain models and spoke about the things our brain helps us control and do! We also experimented to design our own protective models to shield and keep our eggs safe to help us to explore and understand the importance of wearing a helmet when riding our bikes or scooters. Look at some of this exciting learning below.

P1- Focussing on our sense of smell and taste

We did a few experiments earlier this week to help us to investigate and learn more about our sense of smell and taste.

We know that we use our nose to smell and that smells can be pleasant or not very nice and our sense of smell is there to help keep us safe and away from danger. We worked in groups to have a sniff of some mystery smells and then tried to guess and describe what it was. We discovered that even without or other senses to help, our sense of smell was quite accurate in determining what it was we were smelling and if it would be something we would want to be close to. The smells were chocolate, ketchup, coffee, onion, vinegar and lemon and we guess them all!

We also investigated our sense of taste and discovered that our tongues are specially designed to identify a range of different flavour groups. In this experiment we had to be good at partner working and show a responsible and respectful attitude to ensure our partner, who could not see what they were tasting, was safe and happy. We tasted 9 things and described and guessed what it was. Again, we were fantastic at this taste testing, getting all 9 identified correctly. The tastes were salt crisps, carrot, blueberries, dark chocolate, pickled onions, raisins, cheese and marshmallows!

P1- Learning to Login week 2

After our first try logging into the desktop computer in the ICT suite last week, this week we have our skills another try and worked hard to come up with our ‘steps to success’ with the help of our teacher. We decided to create this check list to help us to login independently. Mrs MacPhail delivered is a great surprise, a special keyboard with lowercase letters along with the tricky uppercase capital ones to help us to learn  successfully! We will keep practising this until we don’t even need our checklist anymore!