All posts by Miss Thompson

P1 – learning to rhyme and write

We have been working hard on our understanding of rhyme. We know that words that rhyme sound the same at the end and we hear them lots in stories, nursery rhymes and in songs. We listened to rhyming stories, did some rhyming word matching jobs and worked with partners to spot the odd word out- the one that didn’t rhyme! Our funny rhyming hats helped us to stand up and explain to the others why we made our choice using the words and pictures to help.

We have also been trying hard to write our sounds and names in lots of different ways and our new favourite was water painting these outside. We had to be fast before the sun dried them up and made our hard work disappear!

P1 – Different ways to show a number and estimating how many

We have been learning there are lots of ways to show a number including with spots on a dice, a tens frame, tally marks, on fingers, in a digit, as a word, as numicon and as a group of almost anything!!! We know that to count correctly we need to touch and count everything only once and the last number is how many. It doesn’t matter the size or the position we start.

We had lots of fun solving this number puzzle and also guessing what was inside the feely bags and estimating how many things were hiding inside! We then used our super counting skills to check if we guessed just right, too little or too much!

P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

We are independent learners who can make decisions, contribute to and influence our learning environment. We have been making grand plans to develop our very own P1 garden area into an outdoor learning space with lots of opportunities for us to grow and develop life and learning skills.

We have already focussed on what things we already have in the area, worked together to share and compare spaces we would like to play with those we wouldn’t, measured and figured out the shape of the space  and came up with some ideas of things we would like to play and learn in our garden.

Continue reading P1 – Our Garden Plans Are Well Underway

Managing risk and having fun learning in the mud

We loved our muddy morning playing and learning together in the digging pit and mud kitchen. We worked safely and shared tools and resources, being kind and considerate to those around us. We saw lots of worms and placed them safely inside the tyres. We looked for treasure in the soil and saw how deep into the earth we could dig with the different sized tools. In the mud kitchen we used different pots, pans, bowls, bottles and things to mix and stir to make all kinds of tasty treats such as mud milkshakes, hot chocolate, worm soup and magic potions! We practised our pouring, measuring and comparing skills and best of all had lots of muddy fun!  Continue reading Managing risk and having fun learning in the mud

P1- phonics and number learning

We have been learning to hear and recognise the initial sound in a word and are getting very good at this fun matching game. Look at all of the pictures we have matched up to their initial sounds!

We also focussed on learning all about the number 4. After watching our favourite video clip ‘Counting with Rodd’ who told us lots of fun things about the number 4, we worked hard at our 3 numbery learning tasks. One was being numicon bakers where we worked with a  partner to spin a number, then ‘bake’ a playdough numicon biscuit for our partner to ‘buy’ with the correct number of counters, it was lots of fun! We also completed our giant ‘all about number’ workbook page, remembering how to hold our pencils ✏️and how to sit comfy to make sure our work was nice. Finally, we took part in a number talk with Miss Thompson and found her lots of ways to show 4. Look at all of our different groups of 4 in the photos!

Number order and ways to show 1

As part of our numeracy learning today we were focusing on the number 1 and it’s place in the number system. We enjoyed  the short programme ‘Counting with Rodd’ and even managed to do our giant ‘All about number’ workbook.  Through play we ordered numbers to ten and then hunted for numicon and mini glitter numbers in the water and sand. We then matched and sorted what we found into the rings beside the large wooden numerals. We found lots of tiny little number 1’s. We were also part of a number talk in our small groups. We loved finding only 1 thing from anywhere in the classroom to slide down the long tube and show our friends. We found lots of different things but they were all still just 1! In the ‘story of one’ we did lots of actions like clapping, hopping, jumping and even squeaking like a mouse. It was tricky to remember to do just 1.