All posts by Miss Thompson

Primary 1- Our First Success Assembly as a Class

We were so proud and pleased with ourselves following our first performance on the stage as a P1 class at the success assembly where each class in the school shares their learning with the wider school community.

We sang 3 songs to showcase a little of our learning across the curriculum. We started with our ‘When I Know My Sounds’ song which we sing everyday in class to remember why learning our sounds is so important and the steps we need to take to be successful in learning these. Next we performed ‘I Can Sing A Rainbow’ in both english and french to show a little bit of our french learning his term with the help of Miss Douglas and her friend Amelie. Lastly we sang ‘Thank You God’ to celebrate all of the wonderful gifts we have to share with the world. We really hope you enjoyed our performance! 📚🌈🌍

Fit Thursday Fun

Learning the the power of breathing and how wonderful our bodies are at yoga.

Following dance moves and creating our own in the Zumba class.

Setting off the whole school ‘run a mile’ in style. Building resilience, fitness and healthy habits.

Working as a team, using listening skills and balance and movement development in the gym.

Fab football skills and teamwork out on the pitch.

Health Choices-Food to Fuel our Bodies and Brains

As a special treat to mark the end of our first term in P1 and as part of our Fit Thursday learning, we enjoyed this enormous fruit salad together in the outside classroom. It was so big we had seconds and in some cases even thirds 😀 There was 12 different fruits in it, some we knew already, some we had tasted and some we tried for the first time. We sorted, counted and compared the different fruits. We noticed they were all different in size, colour, feel, shape, smell and of course taste! But they did have some things in common such as they are healthy, can be cut and begin to get rotten after some time. Lots of great ideas from our class! 🍊🍓🍍🍐🍎🍉🍑🥝🍌🍏🍋🥭

Primary 1- Proud of our Achievements in term 1

We took time to share our ‘Story of my Learning’ books with our friends and our families yesterday. We were proud to show all of the wonderful learning, effort and achievements we have already made as big school boys or girls!

A huge thank you to all of the grown ups who came and gave such wonderful feedback, hugely appreciated!

Primary 1- Using Technology in our Play

After some help from our P7 buddies in how to use the laptops, we now have 2 of our very own in our class. They are available to use everyday but we have a 10 minute timer to ensure everyone can get a turn. We love to select from a range of learning games to help our learning across the curriculum and develop our skills with the use of technology. 💻

Primary 1- Order of Number Tricky Challenge

We were all excited to get a tricky number challenge in a secret envelope. We had to use our learning about the order of number and counting to sort out all of the cards that were in a muddle. The cards were either numerals or 10s frames. We worked on this all by ourselves but had our friends around if we needed to look or ask for help. We all did a fantastic job of this tricky number challenge and were very proud of ourselves!

Primary 1- Learning through play

We are always learning new and exciting things in P1.

At the playdough area we have been creating our own dragons like some of the characters we have met in a story this week. We have shared information about our playdough dragons with others at the table. Some of our dragons were ‘friendly but spikey’ and others with ‘eyes out on the side of their big heads’.

Linking to our french learning about colours, lots of us decided to design our own rainbows 🌈 at the art area and we have all been giving lovely wrapped gifts to our classmates after playing at the great gift wrapping station! It’s been exciting to see how many little surprises we can fit into the little gift boxes before we wrap them up all by ourselves.

Some others have been working on designing marble mazes. It’s tricky but fun trying to get the marble from the green to the red line but we can do it if we keep trying!

Another job has been investigating ice in our water tray. We discovered that the ice can float in the water, that when it melts it disappears into the water completely and that it melts faster if the water is warm or if it is broken off into smaller pieces!