All posts by Miss Thompson

Primary 1- Summer is here and this marks our final post…

Boys and girls, no one could have predicated how your first school year would end but we have all got through to the end together! Have a fantastic summer, be safe and have fun with your families! Thank you for taking the time to come in to see me, the lovely thoughtful gifts and for sending me photos and emails throughout these weeks we have been apart. Each of these acts has meant so much and is greatly appreciated, I certainly am one very lucky teacher! I look forward to seeing you all next year when you are big primary 2’s and I have a new class of p1’s with big shoes to fill! I couldn’t be prouder of each and everyone of you! Sending love, over and out!

Miss Thompson x

Primary 1- Final Week of Term 4

Hello everyone. It is the final week of your first year at school and no one could have imagined how the final term would turn out! It is not how any of us would have planned or hoped but we have made the most of it and shown that we can try hard and continue to learn and grow anywhere! If we work together and have each other, we can do anything! I am so proud of you all and of your grown ups too as it has been a very tough time for them too!

I am not posting any new learning tasks out this week because if we were in school we would have been mostly finishing off, looking ahead to primary 2 and be spending lots of time laughing, playing and having fun together! So that shouldn’t change! Take time this week to do these things.

I am in school again preparing for next year and to welcome our new p1s into our St Ninian’s family tomorrow when they visit. It doesn’t feel so long ago I was meeting you all for the very first time and now you are almost big Primary 2s already! I have loved getting to know you all and will really really miss being your teacher next year! You are a very special class and will always have a special place in my heart! I will post later in the week and remember I’m in school or on the end of the phone or email if anyone needs me.  Miss you all. Lots of love

Miss Thompson x

Primary 1- Term 4 Monday 15th -Friday 19th June 2020

Miss T Virtual Classroom p1 15-19.6.20

I am back in school this week, now until the end of term, so have posted all of your learning to do at home for the whole week as one post and virtual classroom.  It should be quite easy to follow.  Please try your best to do the literacy and numeracy and if you have time and want to learn a little about minibeasts, then there is lots of options there to keep you busy too!

Primary 1- Term 4 Day 39 Monday 8th June 2020

Miss T Virtual Classroom P1(v2) 8.6.20

Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend.  Please use the link above to access our virtual classroom which has all of today’s learning activities.

To get you started, click on me to open a short audio about our learning today.

I am hoping this works well and you all enjoy using it a little more than the normal blog posts.  Obviously this situation is a continuous learning curve for us all in different ways so apologies if any technology lets me down as I learn this new and more personal way of reaching you all.  Please let me know if any issues as I will monitor throughout the day.

Primary 1 – Day 38 Friday 5th June 2020 – click on virtual classroom for today’s learning

Miss T Virtual Classroom 1 (2) 5.6.20

Hi everyone!  I thought I would try to make accessing our daily learning a little more fun for the children so have attempted this virtual classroom.  Fingers crossed it works!  It isn’t specifically designed for use via a Glow Blog (which is what this is and what our school uses to communicate class learning etc with parents) so I’m hoping the technology all works together as intended.  It has in my little test yesterday but you never know!

Click the link above to see me in my virtual classroom and then by clicking the books, you can find a link to our literacy learning for today.  Similarly, the numbers for numeracy and the globe for our other learning across the curriculum.  I hope that all makes sense.  Give it a go!

Can I please ask for some quick feedback in the form of a short comment on the blog or tweet to the school to let me know how you and the children found it.  Whilst we are seeing how it works, I have also posted each learning task in 3 separate posts too, just incase! I scheduled these to post super early to try to avoid confusion but sorry if I didn’t succeed!

Primary 1- Friday 5th June 2020 – Literacy Learning


  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • Pink and Green groups only – Use your sound booklet to practice the ‘-ou’ sound.  Can you read the words shown, talk about how many sounds they have and even try to write these without peaking?  Ask your grown-up to tell you them one-by-one.  To challenge yourself, try to write a sentence containing one or more of your words.
  • Red group only – please play this game again to develop word reading confidence and fluency, choosing the phase 2 option   …
  • Our 2nd day to work through the next ‘Talk4Writing’ home unit.  We will use this over the next 2 weeks (on Tuesdays and Fridays) so pick parts that suit you and work through tasks at your own pace.  Remember, these have been specifically created for parents and children to extend their literacy during the closure of schools so I hope they are ok for you all.  I have heard nothing to the contrary so  assume they are going well!