Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 3 – Wednesday 15th April

Thanks to those of you who have sent emails, photos or comments on your learning progress so far, what a great job you and your grown ups are doing and it is so lovely to see so many of your smiling little faces! I miss you all!  Here are your learning jobs for today…

Literacy –

Login to to play a range of phonics games, just like we did before the Easter break.  These will focus our attention on looking really close at the sounds within a word and help us in our next reading job.  On the site, there was a free code to access the full site as a parent during this home learning phase if any of you want extra games to play.

Reading – Focusing on Red Words (tricky words we cannot ‘Fred’ or use our blending skills for)

1. Using your ‘red word list’, see how many of ‘Red Words Set 1’ you can remember from before the holidays. Practice these again and focus time on any you are forgetting.  Remember ‘you can’t Fred a red!’  Now we will add the next 5 words form ‘set 2’.  We cannot add too many at a time as it will overload our working memory!

The words to add are – what, all, was, we and so.

It might help to put these on to separate ‘flash cards’ using paper from home if you have some. What is the tricky part of the word? What sounds in the word don’t say what they are supposed to? I’ll help you all with one to get you started….

what – I can’t hear any ‘a’ but instead it sounds like an ‘o’ (wh-o-t) !!! 🤔


1. Write these 5 new red words, along with any from ‘set 1’ you have forgotten into your blue jotter and circle the part that makes it tricky.  Do this at the top of a new page.
2. Below this, in your jotter, see if you can write a funny sentence using some of the red words you have learned today. Use your sound sheet to help if you need to. (See photo above)

❤Red group – 1 sentence. 💚Green group – 2 sentences. 💗Pink group – 3 sentences

Mathematics –

We have been learning about data and know that data is a collection of information.  We already learned to sort information into groups, count and record using tally marks.  Watch this short video to remind you of this learning…

I hope this helped you to remember.  In class to help you, we said that ‘we close the gate’ when we get to 5 as a set of tally marks looks a little like a garden gate!  Can you draw some tally marks in the air and count all the way up to 30, remembering ‘to close the gate’ every group of 5 you reach? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. . . . 20 . . . . 25 . . . . 30

Activity  – A tally survey on passing traffic

Put on a timer and set to 5 minutes (you may have to adjust the time depending upon how busy your street is!)  In your small green jotter, get a grown up to help you to section of your page into either colours of vehicles or types of vehicles (eg, car, bicycle, van, lorry, bus etc).  Look out of your window and tally all of the vehicles you see passing during the time.  Remember to use the tallies accurately to record this.  How many of each colour or category did you find?  Which had the most, the least and how many vehicles did you spot all together?  What type of calculation is this?

Other learning – Science with the help of Dundee Science Centre

Just before our school closed,  our class visited Sensation, the science centre in town.  It was a great trip!  I noticed that they are posting some great science learning suitable for early years learners onto their website each week and this week is all about Spring! You can follow Dundee Science Centre on social media.

Access the link below and spend some time completing the Spring related activities, such as a fun scavenger hunt you can do with a grown up.  There is even a competition you can enter if you want to with some fab prizes.  All details are on the site below.  Have fun and remember to share your wonderful work with me or the schools twitter!

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