Primary 1- Friday 5th June 2020 – Literacy Learning


  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • Pink and Green groups only – Use your sound booklet to practice the ‘-ou’ sound.  Can you read the words shown, talk about how many sounds they have and even try to write these without peaking?  Ask your grown-up to tell you them one-by-one.  To challenge yourself, try to write a sentence containing one or more of your words.
  • Red group only – please play this game again to develop word reading confidence and fluency, choosing the phase 2 option   …
  • Our 2nd day to work through the next ‘Talk4Writing’ home unit.  We will use this over the next 2 weeks (on Tuesdays and Fridays) so pick parts that suit you and work through tasks at your own pace.  Remember, these have been specifically created for parents and children to extend their literacy during the closure of schools so I hope they are ok for you all.  I have heard nothing to the contrary so  assume they are going well!

Primary 1 – Friday 5th June 2020 – Numeracy/Problem Solving

Numeracy – Solving a Word Problem

Use a copy of the worksheet below to solve the following word problem using all of your number skills.  You will find a booklet of these in your home-learning pack.  Please choose the word challenge for your group, again this is printed on the front of your pack.

Tip: Remember to listen to the problem carefully, find things to model your thinking  and talk about how you think you can solve it.  What type of calculation will we need to do to find the answer?

This is a tricky word problem on a plant theme, linked to our science learning yesterday.  Take your time!

Triangles –  A plants stem grows 2cm every week.  How long will it be after 3 weeks?

Circles – A plants stem grows 3cm every week.  How long will it be after 3 weeks?

Squares – A plants stem grows 6cm every week.  How long will it be after 3 weeks?


Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 37 Thursday 4th June 2020

Our learning jobs for today are as follows…

Literacy – RWI

Please watch the below screen recording with details of how to access the new reading materials I will be setting if you didn’t manage to do this or access these on Monday.

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Again, we can never ever practise these too much!
  2.  Pink and Green Groups – see if you can read the red words in set 1 and 2 on your ‘red word list’ in your home learning packs.  Keep any you are finding tricky aside to practise over the coming days.
  3.  Play some of these games to build confidence and speed using your phonics skills to read words.
  4. Access your groups reading book on Oxford Owl as explained in the video above and in Monday’s post.
    RED GROUP – ‘Sun Hat Fun’ Ditty story 2 from pg10-13 (Pop).
    GREEN GROUP – ‘Rag the Rat’ story 2 p14-end (Jess in a Mess)                                              PINK GROUP – ‘A Map In The Attic’ with a focus on ‘ee’  
    Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed in your book please.  This is mostly found at the end.
  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual (no copying!). Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time? The sentences are:

RED – The fox got on top.

GREEN – She trips in the mud.

PINK – It’s three tickets for next weeks match.

Numeracy – Fact Families

Yesterday we did some work on number bonds.  Today we will take a look into something called fact families.  We can add and subtract, so today we will learn how these two types of calculations link together.  We could say they are opposites.  In a family there are a certain number of people and these people alway stay the same.  That is also true for a fact family, in all of the calculations the numbers stay the same.  There are always three numbers in the family.  Watch these videos to find out more…

Use this game to do your own practise learning about number fact families… with the up to 10 option before challenging yourself with larger numbers.  Use your counters or toys at home to help model or show your thinking and to prove it!

Other learning for today…

If we were in school, this term we would have spent some time learning about plants.    To begin our learning about plants, watch this BBC Bitesize lesson…

If you are in the garden or on a walk, look out for different types of plants and take a closer look to see if you can spot the different parts.  What are these parts called and why does the plant need them?

We will continue this work tomorrow by creating our own model plant and adding some labels to show our learning.


Happy Wednesday!

Todays learning…………

Todays learning jobs are all themed to our story for today ‘Splatter’ on the theme of rainbows,  A Helicopter Story Approach sent by Mrs Brankin who has been kindly helping with our blog  and home learning every other Wednesday.

Literacy –

Listen to the audio story of Splatter. After listening to the story act out some of actions and movements made by the colours.   How do the colours work together to create a masterpiece?  What is good teamwork?  Do you do anything as part of a team even at home to get jobs done?  Imagine you are a colour, what colour would you be and who would you mix wit to create a masterpiece? Ask your grown up to write all of your ideas down as you work through these story questions.



Grow a Rainbow experiment

Want to grow your own rainbow? Try this simple science experiment!  You will love seeing the rainbow come together in this simple science experiment! You can even do different patterns and colours too.

You will need:

  • Paper Towel
  • Washable coloured oens
  • Water
  • 2 Small Glasses

1. Fold over a piece of paper towel (so you have 2 pieces on top of each other).

TIP: The shorter your piece of paper towel, the better it will connect. Also make sure you are using an absorbent paper towel. We used Bounty.

Measure Paper Towel

2. Draw rectangles of the rainbow colours on each end.

Draw Colors on Paper Towel

You want to make sure to fill these colours in well so there is enough dye to travel across the paper towel.

Draw Rainbow Colors on Paper Towel


3. Place 2 cups with water filled 3/4 full. You only want the bottom of the paper towel in so leave some space from the top of the cup.

2 Glasses with Water

Then place the paper towel into the cups, with one end in each cup.

TIP: Do not place the ends too deep in the water or the dye may dissolve into the water instead of moving up the paper towel.

Place Paper Towel Into Water

4. The washable marker dye with slowly make it’s way up with the water to meet the other side in the centre of the paper towel.

Place Both Sides Into Water

5. Leave the paper towel for 10-15 minutes and it will eventually connect the colors together.




Look at the Rainbow number bond to 10 then challenge yourself to 20.  Can you draw a rainbow and write out your number bonds to match at either end of the Rainbow?

Can you collect as many objects around the house and sort them into the colours of the Rainbow?  Which colour did you find the most?  Which is your favourite colour?  How many objects in total did you collect?  Try to arrange your colours into the order of the Rainbow.  Send me a picture of your Rainbow.


Health and Wellbeing 

Try some cosmic yoga using the Rainbow as a theme.


Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 35 Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Our learning for today…


  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • practise ‘red word reading’ with this PowerPoint presentation. Go up to and including the book colour of your Literacy group. Grown ups remember the children should no ‘sound out’ these words as they don’t follow the normal rules and that is why they are ‘red’ or tricky- remind the children ‘you can’t fred a red’. Encourage children to talk about what makes the word tricky eg ‘the’ – is sounds like the ‘e’ should be an ‘i’

red words1

  • Pink and Green groups only – Use your sound booklet to practice the ‘-ir’ sound.  Can you read the words shown, talk about how many sounds they have and even try to write these without peaking?  Ask your grown-up to tell you them one-by-one.  To challenge yourself, try to write a sentence containing one or more of your words.
  • Red group only – please play this game again to develop word reading confidence and fluency, choosing the phase 2 option   …
  • This is the first day of time given to working through the next ‘Talk4Writing’ home unit.  We will use this over the next 2 weeks (on Tuesdays and Fridays) so pick parts that suit you and work through tasks at your own pace.  Remember, these have been specifically created for parents and children to extend their literacy during the closure of schools so I hope they are ok for you all.  I have heard nothing to the contrary so  assume they are going well!

Mathematics – measurement (length)1.Use this BBC Bitesize lesson to recap prior learning about length.  It will provide an introduction to remind you and also a few activities.

2. Find 5 items/objects from around your house and arrange them according to their length.  Find something you have many of such as pegs, lego blocks, pieces of pasta etc (choose just one of these as your way to measure so as we can then compare) First,  guess how many of your chosen non-standard unit of measure you think each object with measure.  Next, actually measure each object.  Check how close your guess or estimate was.  Were you close, did you guess longer or shorter?  Look here is my example of how I got on…

3. Question to think about – what other ways can we measure the length of something?

Other learning tasks for today – (Health/Life skills)

  1. Do a job in the house all by yourself.  Get a grown up to tell you about how to safely and effectively do it.  If you can take a photo before and after and send it into us so we can see your terrific tidying!
  2.  Look at what you have in the house and talk to your grown-up about what you are having for you lunch or tea.  Can you make a part of it all by yourself or help a grown up to?  For example, can you make your own sandwich or maybe a healthy wrap, a fruit salad by carefully chopping or even pack yourself a lunch just like if you were ‘packed lunch’ at school.  Remember to take a picture of any of your creations and send them in for us to see!

All of the skills you practise in these tasks are important learning for life lessons.  Have fun!

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 34 Monday 1st June

June is here and I hope you have all had a lovely weekend in the beautiful weather summer has brought!   Here is today’s learning tasks…

Literacy – RWI

As I said in Friday’s post, we are out of the  reading sheets I prepared for the booklets in our home learning packs.  Look how much we have read whilst learning with the help of our grown-ups at home, well done!  I can’t wait to see you all and hear your lovely storyteller voices and see how they have developed!  So, our literacy will be slightly different. Please watch the below screen recording with details of how to access the new reading materials I will be setting.

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play this word building game by using the sounds or letters in the words ‘SUMMER TIME SUN’ to see how many of your own words you can make. I will give you one to get you started-     t-u-m = tum!
  2. Reading– Play some more of ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ by logging in using your account details. I see some of you have been very busy with your monster over the last weeks, well done!
  3. Access your groups reading book on Oxford Owl as explained in the video above.
    RED GROUP – ‘Sun Hat Fun’ Ditty story 1 from pg6-9.  GREEN GROUP – ‘Rag the Rat’ and PINK GROUP – ‘The Troll in the Pond’.  Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed in your book please.  This is mostly found at the end.
  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual (no copying!). Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time? The sentences are:

RED – It is a fun hat.

GREEN – Rag the rat with his big top hat.

PINK – Will I stay or run away?

Numeracy – order of number

  1. Mental – Get your grown-up to tell you 5 numbers and find each on either your number line or for extra challenge, use your 100 square.  ‘Thinking out Loud’ – Tell your grown-up how you found the number.  What number comes before that one and after it?  If using your 100 square, can you remember how we find 10 more or 10 less quickly?

2. Game – can you use your order of number learning to knock over the coconuts?  Choose the level to suit your understanding of number order

3. Apply your understanding of number order to complete pg 8 of your ‘Early Level Maths Record Book’.

Other learning task for today – Health and Wellbeing

1.Take time to look and talk with your grown-up about Phase 1 of easing the lockdown and what that means to you.  Use this helpful, accessible and child/family friendly sheet to help.

2. Draw around your hand and write something on each of your fingers that you are happy for.  Decorate your work to help it spread happiness to others.