Primary 1- Friday 5th June 2020 – Literacy Learning


  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • Pink and Green groups only – Use your sound booklet to practice the ‘-ou’ sound.  Can you read the words shown, talk about how many sounds they have and even try to write these without peaking?  Ask your grown-up to tell you them one-by-one.  To challenge yourself, try to write a sentence containing one or more of your words.
  • Red group only – please play this game again to develop word reading confidence and fluency, choosing the phase 2 option   …
  • Our 2nd day to work through the next ‘Talk4Writing’ home unit.  We will use this over the next 2 weeks (on Tuesdays and Fridays) so pick parts that suit you and work through tasks at your own pace.  Remember, these have been specifically created for parents and children to extend their literacy during the closure of schools so I hope they are ok for you all.  I have heard nothing to the contrary so  assume they are going well!

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