Miss T Virtual Classroom 1 (2) 5.6.20
Hi everyone! I thought I would try to make accessing our daily learning a little more fun for the children so have attempted this virtual classroom. Fingers crossed it works! It isn’t specifically designed for use via a Glow Blog (which is what this is and what our school uses to communicate class learning etc with parents) so I’m hoping the technology all works together as intended. It has in my little test yesterday but you never know!
Click the link above to see me in my virtual classroom and then by clicking the books, you can find a link to our literacy learning for today. Similarly, the numbers for numeracy and the globe for our other learning across the curriculum. I hope that all makes sense. Give it a go!
Can I please ask for some quick feedback in the form of a short comment on the blog or tweet to the school to let me know how you and the children found it. Whilst we are seeing how it works, I have also posted each learning task in 3 separate posts too, just incase! I scheduled these to post super early to try to avoid confusion but sorry if I didn’t succeed!
Love it Miss Thompson.. also we love your hair 😊
The virtual classroom looks great. Tom really likes it.