Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 34 Monday 1st June

June is here and I hope you have all had a lovely weekend in the beautiful weather summer has brought!   Here is today’s learning tasks…

Literacy – RWI

As I said in Friday’s post, we are out of the  reading sheets I prepared for the booklets in our home learning packs.  Look how much we have read whilst learning with the help of our grown-ups at home, well done!  I can’t wait to see you all and hear your lovely storyteller voices and see how they have developed!  So, our literacy will be slightly different. Please watch the below screen recording with details of how to access the new reading materials I will be setting.

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play this word building game by using the sounds or letters in the words ‘SUMMER TIME SUN’ to see how many of your own words you can make. I will give you one to get you started-     t-u-m = tum!
  2. Reading– Play some more of ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ by logging in using your account details. I see some of you have been very busy with your monster over the last weeks, well done!
  3. Access your groups reading book on Oxford Owl as explained in the video above.
    RED GROUP – ‘Sun Hat Fun’ Ditty story 1 from pg6-9.  GREEN GROUP – ‘Rag the Rat’ and PINK GROUP – ‘The Troll in the Pond’.  Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed in your book please.  This is mostly found at the end.
  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual (no copying!). Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time? The sentences are:

RED – It is a fun hat.

GREEN – Rag the rat with his big top hat.

PINK – Will I stay or run away?

Numeracy – order of number

  1. Mental – Get your grown-up to tell you 5 numbers and find each on either your number line or for extra challenge, use your 100 square.  ‘Thinking out Loud’ – Tell your grown-up how you found the number.  What number comes before that one and after it?  If using your 100 square, can you remember how we find 10 more or 10 less quickly?

2. Game – can you use your order of number learning to knock over the coconuts?  Choose the level to suit your understanding of number order

3. Apply your understanding of number order to complete pg 8 of your ‘Early Level Maths Record Book’.

Other learning task for today – Health and Wellbeing

1.Take time to look and talk with your grown-up about Phase 1 of easing the lockdown and what that means to you.  Use this helpful, accessible and child/family friendly sheet to help.

2. Draw around your hand and write something on each of your fingers that you are happy for.  Decorate your work to help it spread happiness to others.

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