Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 18 Wednesday 6th May 2020

Welcome to Wednesday!  Here are your learning jobs for today…

In school on Wednesday’s we are usually very busy doing our literacy and numeracy along with ICT and PE too!  So I will try to cover all of these in today’s activities all based around the latest ‘JoJo Gnome Podcast’

Watch the following podcast, ‘Sow and Grow with JoJo Gnome’.  It is the latest episode in the JoJo Gnome series.  You can click the link here or use the website below.

Listen to the podcast and then do the following cross curricular learning activities based upon the story today..

1 – Talking and Listening

Listen to the podcast.  Talk to your grown up about the story and activities.

Focus for talk – The story talks about how the mean Giant cannot share even though he has lots of everything and others have none.  Can you think of a time when you have had to share, even when you didn’t want to?  Why was this the right thing to do?  Listen to your grown up tell you about a time they had to share with others.

2 – Writing

Use your imagination to complete the ‘magic seed story starter’ task given in the podcast (around 7 minutes in).

3 – Expressive Art and Literacy

Can you draw what your magic seed might grow into?

4 – Music

Zac and mum try to chop down the beanstalk to save them from the angry giant in the story.  Can you remember the ‘Chop Chop Choppity Chop’ rhyme song we did with Mr McLean when he visited us in school?  Can you play and sing it at home and try to think of and remember as may healthy foods we can put in our pot.  I have typed out the words to help if you need them…

“Chop chop chopity chop.

Chop off the bottom and chop off the top.

What we have left, we can put in the pot.

Chop chop chopity chop!”

5 – Numeracy-ICT

  1. There is an unhappy caterpillar in the story we listened to. He did not want eaten up when Zac ate the delicious strawberry.  Play this caterpillar number game to practise your ordering and/or sequencing of number.

2. Zac thinks he can just take one of the Giants strawberries and it  won’t be noticed. Use your 100 square (learning pack) to find 1 less that the following numbers and put your counters on them.  What do you notice?

14, 19, 36, 43, 49, 54, 58, 65, 67, 76

6 – Science – Planting activity

7 –  Health and Wellbeing/PE –

Emotional wellbeing – In the story podcast, JoJo is given a job from his Mum but he doesn’t do the job very well!  I’m sure you can do better… help your grown-up by doing a job at home.

Physical activity (Dance) – Thinking of Giants…

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