Primary 1- Term 4 Day 33 Friday 29th May 2020

I can’t believe it is Friday again already.  Here is your final learning tasks for this week…


  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • play your ‘Race to the Pond’ game – choose a side to suit you.
  • Pink and Green groups only – Use your sound booklet to practice the ‘-air’ sound.  Can you read the words shown, talk about how many sounds they have and even try to write these without peaking?  Ask your grown-up to tell you them one-by-one.  To challenge yourself, try to write a sentence containing one or more of your words.
  • Red group only – please play this game to develop word reading confidence and fluency, choosing the phase 2 option   …
  • continue working on our second ‘Talk for Writing’ unit.

Numeracy – Solving a Word Problem

Use a copy of the worksheet below to solve the following word problem using all of your number skills.  You will find a booklet of these in your home-learning pack.  Please choose the word challenge for your group, again this is printed on the front of your pack.

Tip: Remember to listen to the problem carefully, find things to model your thinking  and talk about how you think you can solve it.  What type of calculation will we need to do to find the answer?

This is a tricky word problem in 2 parts where you will have to use both your adding up and taking away skills.

Triangles –  Ben is collecting shells on the beach.  He finds 2 and then 3 more.  Excitedly he puts them into his bag to take home.  But at home he can only find 4 shells, he has lost some!  How many shells has Ben lost?

Circles –  Ben is collecting shells on the beach.  He finds 6  and then 3 more.  Excitedly he puts them into his bag to take home.  But at home he can only find 4 shells, he has lost some!  How many shells has Ben lost?

Squares – Ben is collecting shells on the beach.  He finds 7 and then 6 more.  Excitedly he puts them into his bag to take home.  But at home he can only find 10 shells, he has lost some!  How many shells has Ben lost?

Other learning – Outdoor task linked with yesterdays learning –

Art as a way to communicate.

Watch the online reading of the story Cave Baby.  The story is set a long time ago, when it was the Stone Age. Then, people didn’t write things down like we do today to tell a story.  They couldn’t take a photograph like we can to keep and share an event or memory.  Instead, they drew pictures on the walls of their cave homes so as their story could be told.

  1. Try to spot how cave baby is feeling at different points in the story.  How do you know?  How did the illustrator of the story help you to know this?
  2. If you can safely access the outdoors, try to make your own ‘mud paint’ and use it to create your own works of art just like the characters did in the story.
  3. Read the poem with a grown up and see if you can come up with some actions to do when it is being read.  Getting outside is great!  Have a lovely weekend everyone!
  4. Celebrate Poetry Month with HarperCollins Children's Books! Outdoor Education, Outdoor Learning, Outdoor Play, Kids Poems, Easy Poems For Kids, Nature Poems For Kids, Fun Poems, Poetry For Kids, Material Didático

Primary 1- Term 4 Day 32 Thursday 28th May 2020

Well, here we are back to our normal routine of daily posts.  This is your learning tasks for today…

Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart.  Play the phonics and reading games I have saved into the favourites section of BusyThings.  Use the login in your home-learning pack to access this resource.

  1. Reading– As well as some of the games above which will develop confidence with both phonics and reading, work on the next reading sheet from your booklet. (This is your final sheet!!! I didn’t think we would still not be back in school when rushing to produce these so leave it with me and I will figure out our plan for going forward!)  Do the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story.

Red literacy group- sheet 15

Green literacy group- sheet 24

Pink literacy group- sheet 40

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Mathematics– applying our knowledge of pattern and order of number

The other week we spent time doing some recap into recognising, extending and creating patterns.  We played a range of games online and also completed our own outdoor pattern design challenge.  (If you didn’t complete this, take a look back to math learning posted on the 14th and 15th of May.

Use your learning around patterns and order of number to complete pg. 24 and 25 of your ‘Early Level Maths Workbook’.  You may want to use your number line to help.

Other learning task – Art, Health and Wellbeing and ICT

  1. Let’s learn a little about being an artist and some handy tips about how to communicate feelings or emotions in an illustration using this BBC Bitesize lesson.  It does suggest using a printed template but you can also complete the tasks without and that would even add a little extra challenge.

2. Think about how you are feeling today and why you are feeling that way.  Talk to your grown up about your thoughts.  Can you draw yourself showing that emotion on your face, thinking about features like your eyes, mouth shape and eyebrows.  Can you make your drawing even look a little like you?  I bet you can do a better job than me!

3. Download the free app ‘Chatterpix Kids’ to explore and try out.  Use it to animate your drawing, adding special effects and your voice to share how you are feeling.

Here is mine for some inspiration or laughs at least!!!…

Primary 1- Term 4 Day 30/31 Tuesday 26th May 2020

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely long weekend!

Last week I posted a whole week of learning tasks, forgetting it was a 3 day week for the children! Therefore, instead of me adding to that outstanding work today, I will give you all time today and tomorrow (Wednesday) to complete this. To access this learning, just go to the post prior to this one, it is all there for you. Look to complete tasks I had planned for the Thursday and Friday which were Inset day or of course any you did not manage to complete. Sorry I completely forgot as I was working all week in the hub and was trying to be organised! 😅 Sending love,

Miss Thompson x

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 25-29 week commencing Monday 18th May 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.  I am working in the Hub again all of this week so have put our whole weeks learning into this one post and have had to slim down the additional learning a little, but I know you all have many of your own great ideas anyway!  This could also be a perfect time to catch up or spend extra time on any prior learning posts I have blogged over the last 6 weeks that you didn’t find opportunity to complete.  Of course I am always at the end of an email if you need anything.  Sending lots of love.

Get up and moving with this brain break materials.

Joe Wickes is still available daily for a quick, fun workout.  Or alternatively Oti Mabuse for some dance classes aimed at children.  Both can be accessed via YouTube.

There are many other YouTube based resources we have dipped into including any active learning material from Jack Hartman, JustDanceKids, Cosmic Yoga and GoNoodle.

Weeks Literacy – 

Monday’s plan for literacy –

  • practice all of your sounds using your sound chart.
  • play ‘Teach your Monster to Read’
  • complete reading sheets – Red group- sheet 13, Green group- 22, Pink group- sheet 38
  • Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page
  • Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Tuesday’s plan for Literacy

Wedneday’s Plan for Literacy

  • play the literacy games on ‘BusyThings’ using your login.
  • access the JoJo Gnome Podcast at this link.  Listen to the story, talk about what you hear and complete the ‘story-starter’ writing task.

Thursday’s Plan for Literacy

  • repeat all of Monday’s routine outlined above but with the next reading sheet for your group.
  • Red group- sheet 14, Green group- 23, Pink group- sheet 39

Friday’s Plan for Literacy

  • repeat all of Tuesday’s routine outlined above.

Weeks Numeracy and Maths

  • I have saved 4 ‘BBC Bitesize’ number lessons into our account on BBCBitesize Daily Lessons. Click on the ‘MyBitesize’ tab and login to access Username – P1StNinsDundee, Password – St-Nins1. The lessons are number bonds, how to add numbers, add more and count on and subraction within 20.  Please complete as many or few of these as you want along with the linked tasks.
  • Use the resources in your ‘home learning kit’ and previous blogs to do some of your favourite number games again.  Maybe you love finding numbers on your 100 square, adding or subtracting using your 10’s frames and counters or using your playing cards and dice to do calculations. 
  • Use your ‘BusyThings’ login to play a huge range of number and mathematical concept games.

Lots to keep you busy!

Other learning tasks –

  • Spend this week working through any of the home-learning topics provided on Dundee Science Centre.  We have looked at a few before but there is still lots of fun learning to explore.  Have fun!

  • Lets take another look at a scavenger hunt we did way back at the beginning of this lockdown, aimed to promote postive wellbeing…

Remember if you need any help or just a chat, I am here!

We will return to our normal daily learning posts next week.  Thanks so much.  Lots of love

Miss Thompson x








Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 24 Friday 15th May 2020

Friday is here again and here are your last learning jobs for the week…

💗 + 💚Green literacy group –Focus on speedy reading and spelling of ‘or’ – please note the amended phrase on the picture card shown in your booklet.  This is to make it correct for our Scottish accent and location .Think about how many sounds each word has, the placement of these and if there are any other special friends in the words.  Choose 3 words and create a sentence for each.  Try to make your sentences as descriptive and exciting as possible.

❤Red literacy group –Use the Ruth Miskin (RWI creator) youtube live videos again today.  Remember don’t worry about the date shown on the video, I like to watch these beforehand to make sure they are suitable for us but where possible and appropriate. Focus on ‘ch’,  speedy reading and spelling using set 1 sounds with these videos.

This is our final day working on this ‘Talk4Writing’ home learning unit. Please complete any learning tasks you wish to do. Let me know any of your feedback about this resource if you can.

Numeracy/ Problem solving – outdoor/active learning

Yesterday we took a look back at some prior learning on recognising or extending a pattern using shape, colour or objects. Today, we will apply this learning to solve some pattern problems…

I would like you to try to create 3 of your own patterns at home either inside or out in the garden if you would prefer. Can you make one pattern based around colour, a 2nd based on shape and a final one on the objects you choose? Remember to take some photos and send them to me or our schools twitter page. We all love to see the learning you share. Talk to your grown up about the patterns you have created and then maybe muddle the things up and see if your grown up can recreate it in the same way.

here are some examples and photos as inspiration…

Other tasks – science, technology, art and design

Finish off your robot designs for the competition set yesterday and if you are ready and want to enter, get your grown-up to help you submit your wonderful idea.




Primary 1- Term 4 Day 23 Thursday 14th May 2020

Our jobs for today are below…

Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart.  Play the phonics and reading games I have saved into the favourites section of BusyThings.  Use the login in your home-learning pack to access this resource.

  1. Reading– As well as some of the games above which will develop confidence with both phonics and reading, work on the next reading sheet from your booklet.  Do the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story.

Red literacy group- sheet 12

Green literacy group- sheet 21

Pink literacy group- sheet 37

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Mathematics– position and direction recap

Last week we recapped our learning about shape and previously in school we learned about spotting, talking about, extending and creating patterns using colour, shape or type of object. Play these games to practise your understanding of pattern.

Other learning task – science, technology, art and designWatch the online author reading of the story ‘Robot Rumpus’ to give you inspiration for your design challenge today.

Wouldn’t it be great to design and create your own robot for the future that helps with something but didn’t get up to the same mischief as the robots in the ‘Robot Rumpus’ story. The following ‘Draw your own Robot’ competition for 5-7 year olds is open now and has some great prizes, so why not give robot design a go! You are all very creative and full of great ideas so I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Just do it for fun or if you want to enter, all of the details can be found on the following link. Competition closes on the 8th June and the winner is announced on the 30th. Good luck!

We will continue this task tomorrow so take your time to come up with something unique!

Primary 1- Term 4 Day 22 Wednesday 13th May

Todays learning jobs are all themed to our story for today ‘Scribble Stones’, A Helicopter Story Approach sent by Mrs Brankin who is kindly helping with our blog  and home learning every other Wednesday.

Literacy and Health and Wellbeing –

Following on from our ‘Not just a Scribble’ story from a few weeks ago,  read the audio book “Scribble Stones”. After listening to the story act out some of the emotions and places the stones were placed. Think about if you were a stone where would you like to be placed.  The little stone talks about everyone having there own purpose, skill or job to do.  What do you hope your job is when you are a grown up?  Ask your grown up to write all of your ideas down as you work through these story questions.


Maths – sorting

Collect some stones from your garden or close-by your home.  Remember to keep safe and wash your hands before and after.

How many did you find? Can you sort them in different ways, maybe by size or colour?  Can you think of any other ways to sort your stone collection?  Can you even make a stone tower using your problem solving and balancing skills?  How many did you manage before your tower fell down?

Outdoor learning and Art –

If you go out on a walk collect a stone and paint it like the stones in the story. Then place the kindness stone around the community or at someone’s door to spread a little love. You could then write about where you have place your stone or share some photos of you stone.  If you cant do this, draw a design for your stone instead.

Physical Activity –

There are some stone-related fun games you can play on this link.  My favourites are stone-throw and hopscotch.

Stone throw challenge – Providing you have a safe space to gently throw your stones, choose 3 different sized containers and give each a different points value.  Step back and try to aim, then throw your stones one-by-one into the containers.  Can you get some stones into each containers?  How many points did you win?  Maybe you can challenge your grown up at home too.


Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 21 Tuesday 12th May 2020

Tuesdays learning jobs…

RWI Phonics, word reading and spelling–

We have been using Ruth Miskin (RWI creator) youtube live videos but I have been made aware these are a little hit or miss with access.  I have only used these for the red group today as the other was not suitable.  Remember don’t worry about the date shown on the video, I like to watch these beforehand to make sure they are suitable for us but where possible and appropriate.

💗 + 💚Green literacy group –

Focus on speedy reading and spelling words with the ‘ar’ sound.  You will find this page in your sound booklet.  Think about how many sounds each word has, the placement of these and if there are any other special friends in the words.  Choose 3 words and create a sentence for each.  Try to make your sentences as descriptive and exciting as possible.

words are – car, part, hard, start, star and sharp.

❤Red literacy group – Focus on speedy reading and spelling using set 1 sounds with these videos.

Continue to work through the ‘Talk4Writing’ home learning unit from last week at your own pace, picking and choosing parts to suit you, your time, ability, resources and interest of children.  This will be our final week spent on this unit of work

Don’t forget to schedule in some brain breaks.  Maybe go for a walk to get some fresh air or use one of the brainbreak resources we have used recently.   Here is a link to some ‘cosmic kids Yoga’ if you want some inspiration…

Numeracy – continuing with ordinal numbers

Mental warm-up for our brains –

Lay out 10 of your favourite toys or things from home.  Can you arrange them in an order of most favourite to least?  Can you answer these 6 questions…

  1. Which toy is in 1st place?
  2. Can you think of another name for being in 1st place?
  3. Which toy is in 10th place?
  4. Can you think of another name for being in 10th place?
  5. Which toy came 5th?
  6. Which place does each toy come in?

We will use the story ‘Room on the Broom’ to apply our learning from yesterday about ordinal numbers.  If you have the book please use that or alternatively, here is an online reading.  As you are watching or reading, please think about the order of characters travelling on the broom.  Use you learning to either draw or make your own broom just like the one in the story, clearly showing the place of each character and your understanding of ordinal numbers.

Other tasks – science, maths and imaginative play

The witch in the story makes a potion and casts a magic spell at the end of the book to help her and all of her friends.  Can you make your own magic potion with interesting but safe things you can find outside or around your house?  Make sure you ask a grown-up to help and wash your hands before and after to keep safe.  Think about what how many ingredients your potion has, how you are going to mix them up, what your own magic word might be and what your spell is going to do?

Have fun and remember I would love to see some of your fabulous efforts!




Primary 1- Term 4 Day 20 Monday 11th May 2020

I hope you have all had a lovely long weekend and are excited to get into our home-learning jobs for this week! For today’s learning I have posted some of what I had planned for last Friday after forgetting it was a holiday mixed in with parts of a normal Monday’s home-learning plan.

Literacy – normal Monday routine of RWI

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play this word building game by using the sounds or letters in the words ‘Marvellous May’ to see how many of your own words you can make. I will give you one to get you started-     s-m-e-ll = smell!
  2. Reading– Play some more of ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ by logging in using your account details. I see some of you have been very busy with your monster over the last weeks, well done!
  3. Also, work on the reading of the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story on your next reading sheet booklet.Red literacy group- sheet 11 Green literacy group- sheet 20 Pink literacy group- sheet 36

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Numeracy – a look at ordinal numbers

  1. Use the ‘BBC Bitesize’ link below and work through the ordinal numbers lesson. This will ensure we remember the vocabulary 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. I have also saved this lesson into the ‘MyBitesize’ area on the site is you wish to login:

Username – P1StNinsDundee, Password – St-Nins1

  1. Use your learning to complete pg 7 of your ‘Early level maths record book’. The bottom of this page with give you an opportunity to use your ordinal number learning and use your 100 square and counters to help you to complete the top of the page.  It asks you to find the number before, after and between.

Other tasks – further time that would have been given on Friday to explore the resources below

Finish exploring the resources available from Dundee Science Centres Space Week to extend your learning and understanding of outer space.  Again, just pick and choose the parts that interest you.

Linked outdoor learning or creative indoor challenge – can you build your own rocket to take you to outer space by using things you can find either outside in your garden or inside your house?  If you have any construction materials such as lego maybe you could use this.  Get building and get creative!



Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 19 Thursday 7th May 2020

Our jobs for today are below…

Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart.  Play the phonics and reading games I have saved into the favourites section of BusyThings.  Use the login in your home-learning pack to access this resource.

  1. Reading– As well as some of the games above which will develop confidence with both phonics and reading, work on the next reading sheet from your booklet.  Do the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story.

Red literacy group- sheet 10

Green literacy group- sheet 19

Pink literacy group- sheet 35

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

  1. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Mathematics– Recap of 3D shapes


Use this 3D shape song to recap some of our 3D shape learning, including shape names and properties.

  1. Play the shape games found in the shape tab on Busythings.
  2. Activity – see if you can find a range of 3D shapes at home and talk to a grown up about its name and properties including sides and corners.
  3. Complete section 3 of pg26 in your Early Level Maths Record Book.

5. If you have any 3D shapes at home, see if you can build a marvellous model.

Other task –

Before we had to stopping attending school as normal, we had just finished learning about the wonders of the sky and last week we took a little look back at that learning.  Use the resources available from Dundee Science Centres Space Week to extend your learning and understanding of outer space.  Just pick and choose the parts that interest you.  We will use this resource again tomorrow too so plenty of time to explore.

There will be no learning tasks posted tomorrow as it is a holiday day so take time off to have some fun with your family for the day.  I forgot about this exciting news at the beginning of the week and prepared learning for Friday but will just use this for Monday instead so it may not follow the ‘normal’ Monday schedule we are used to.  Lots of Love

Miss Thompson