Primary 1- Term 4 Day 4 Thursday 16th April

Before we begin, sit down and see if you can remember our days of the week song (sung to the Adams family tune) and when you reach the day you think it is today, JUMP UP QUICK!

Today is THURSDAY! Did you get it right?

Literacy – 

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart.  Play the phonics and reading games I have saved into the favourites section of BusyThings.  Use the login in your home-learning pack to access this resource.
  2.  Reading– As well as some of the games above which will develop confidence with both phonics and reading, work on the next reading sheet from your booklet.  Do the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story.

Red literacy group- sheet 4

Green literacy group- sheet 13

Pink literacy group- sheet 29 (sorry we seem to be missing 28 so we will have to skip it!)

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

4. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?

Numeracy –

Use the 100 square and counters in your pack to try to identify some numbers hidden by your grown up.  Can you explain how you knew which number was hiding?  (Try using language such as the number before or after is…) How many groups of ten and how many more (ones) does the hidden number have?

Mathematics –

Moving on from the data handling work we completed yesterday, can you try to complete p30 and p31 in your ‘Early Level Maths Record Book’.  Take your time and get a grown up to talk over the teacher notes at the bottom of each page.  (we will use section 2 on pg.31 for our next learning task detailed below)

Other learning task -Health and Wellbeing

The bottom of pg 31 shows us some signs we might see when we are out and about, or moving around inside a public building like our school, a library or even a shop.

Why do you think signs like these are important to have?  (think about how we travel around safely???)

These signs communicate a message.  We already know we can communicate with others by speaking or writing but we can also share a message visually in the form of a picture or sign.

If you are on a walk today with a grown up, look out for any signs and talk about what information are they trying to communicate with us and why that is important.   Maybe you can even take a photo of some signs you find and post these to our school twitter or email them to me.  Remember to stay safe and observe social distancing when out and about for your daily walk.

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 3 – Wednesday 15th April

Thanks to those of you who have sent emails, photos or comments on your learning progress so far, what a great job you and your grown ups are doing and it is so lovely to see so many of your smiling little faces! I miss you all!  Here are your learning jobs for today…

Literacy –

Login to to play a range of phonics games, just like we did before the Easter break.  These will focus our attention on looking really close at the sounds within a word and help us in our next reading job.  On the site, there was a free code to access the full site as a parent during this home learning phase if any of you want extra games to play.

Reading – Focusing on Red Words (tricky words we cannot ‘Fred’ or use our blending skills for)

1. Using your ‘red word list’, see how many of ‘Red Words Set 1’ you can remember from before the holidays. Practice these again and focus time on any you are forgetting.  Remember ‘you can’t Fred a red!’  Now we will add the next 5 words form ‘set 2’.  We cannot add too many at a time as it will overload our working memory!

The words to add are – what, all, was, we and so.

It might help to put these on to separate ‘flash cards’ using paper from home if you have some. What is the tricky part of the word? What sounds in the word don’t say what they are supposed to? I’ll help you all with one to get you started….

what – I can’t hear any ‘a’ but instead it sounds like an ‘o’ (wh-o-t) !!! 🤔


1. Write these 5 new red words, along with any from ‘set 1’ you have forgotten into your blue jotter and circle the part that makes it tricky.  Do this at the top of a new page.
2. Below this, in your jotter, see if you can write a funny sentence using some of the red words you have learned today. Use your sound sheet to help if you need to. (See photo above)

❤Red group – 1 sentence. 💚Green group – 2 sentences. 💗Pink group – 3 sentences

Mathematics –

We have been learning about data and know that data is a collection of information.  We already learned to sort information into groups, count and record using tally marks.  Watch this short video to remind you of this learning…

I hope this helped you to remember.  In class to help you, we said that ‘we close the gate’ when we get to 5 as a set of tally marks looks a little like a garden gate!  Can you draw some tally marks in the air and count all the way up to 30, remembering ‘to close the gate’ every group of 5 you reach? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. . . . 20 . . . . 25 . . . . 30

Activity  – A tally survey on passing traffic

Put on a timer and set to 5 minutes (you may have to adjust the time depending upon how busy your street is!)  In your small green jotter, get a grown up to help you to section of your page into either colours of vehicles or types of vehicles (eg, car, bicycle, van, lorry, bus etc).  Look out of your window and tally all of the vehicles you see passing during the time.  Remember to use the tallies accurately to record this.  How many of each colour or category did you find?  Which had the most, the least and how many vehicles did you spot all together?  What type of calculation is this?

Other learning – Science with the help of Dundee Science Centre

Just before our school closed,  our class visited Sensation, the science centre in town.  It was a great trip!  I noticed that they are posting some great science learning suitable for early years learners onto their website each week and this week is all about Spring! You can follow Dundee Science Centre on social media.

Access the link below and spend some time completing the Spring related activities, such as a fun scavenger hunt you can do with a grown up.  There is even a competition you can enter if you want to with some fab prizes.  All details are on the site below.  Have fun and remember to share your wonderful work with me or the schools twitter!

Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 2: Tuesday 14th April

I hope the first day ‘back’ went well yesterday.   Below are your learning tasks for today.  I am trying to make it easy to follow by creating a familiar sequence of activity, particularly with literacy learning.  You will have noticed that we are covering 2 reading/writing sheets per week, 1 split over Monday and Tuesday and the 2nd split across Thursday and Friday.  I will be giving Wednesday over to focusing on tricky red words or something more flexible.  I hope that helps and makes sense.  This plan I hope will give a good balance between keeping up the children’s expected literacy progress as well as making it manageable and predicable for your home setting.  Any feedback on this plan, good or bad, would be appreciated and I am happy to take suggestions or to tweak this if it is not working well.  We are all learning together!

Phonics- 🎲

  1. Practice all sounds on sound chart just like yesterday
  2. 💗Pink literacy group – revise ‘igh’ by getting your grown up to say each word on the ‘igh’ page of your ‘speed sounds’ booklet and without looking, can you count the sounds using your ‘Fred fingers’ and try to write a few of these in your blue jotter. Next play your ‘race to the pond’ game using the ‘set 2’ side. Use the counters and dice provided.

💚Green literacy group – learn ‘igh’ sound as above. This is our first sound which has 3 letters that make one sound! So it can be tricky but you can do it! Can you find it on your sound chart? Can you remember which letters combine to make the sound ‘’igh”? Can you remember the helpful rhyme – “fly high” and talk about the picture on the card at the top left of the page? Can you read and say some “igh” sound words? Next, play the ‘set 1’ side of ‘race to the pond’. 

Red literacy group – Focus in any sounds you are finding tricky to remember and then play ‘race to the pond’ on set 1 side only. Reading- 📚

  1. All learners login to your OxfordOwl account using details provided on your ‘home learning folder’ and select a book to read or have read to you. There are some RWI ones on here that you may recognise from school! 
  2. Re-read your reading sheet from yesterday (see above photo)  and see if you can read it a little faster but with a good storyteller voice! (Red- sheet 3, Green- sheet 12 and Pink- sheet 27)


In your blue jotter, above the ‘hold a sentence’ from yesterday, can you draw a picture of something that happens in your reading sheet. Or to challenge yourself, can you draw a sequence of pictures to show what happens in the short story you read?  Try to include as much detail as you can. My advice would be to avoid felt tip pens as they will leak through to the next jotter pages! 😭

Don’t forget to schedule in some brain breaks.  Maybe you can use some of our favourite ‘Just Dance Kids’ videos by searching on YouTube.  Example below – Gummy Bear dance!

Numeracy – Counting with a focus on counting back.

1- Mental – when we take-away we are counting back.  Practice counting back from 20 using the song link below.  We enjoy dancing and counting to this in class.

2 – Mental – Use your number lines, counters and dice to play this counting back game.

Place out your number lines so as you have 0-21.  Get a grown up to put a blue counter on any number between 0 and 15.  Roll your dice.  Jump up the number line that amount.  (Grown ups- this is something we have been practising in school but can find quite tricky so please help to make sure we ‘jump’ up straight away and not on the same number instead or we will end up with the wrong answer!) What are we doing?  (We are counting up/forward, adding).  Put your counter down on the red side on the number you arrive at.  Can you now count backwards from your red counter all the way to the blue one , saying each number as you go?  What are we doing?  (We are counting back,  subtracting)

3 – Activity to consolidate – Please complete p6 of your Early Level Maths record book.

Other Task – Life Skills and Health and Wellbeing – Choose Kind

Help a grown up by learning to complete a tidy-up job at home or in the garden.

Primary 1- Day 6 Monday 13th April🐣

Hello Everyone! I have missed you all and hope very much that you and your families are well and you had the best Easter break possible considering the challenging circumstances. 🐥

Over the coming days I will give you all a little call to check in and hear your news. 📞🙂Also, remember you can send me your photos here on the blog or via email or the schools twitter account! It’s always great to see your little faces! 🥰

I bet you have had lots of Easter treats over the weekend so to get ourselves up and active, use the video link below to get yourself moving!

Literacy – we will follow the a similar routine each Monday but with a different page of our ‘reading booklet’.

  1. Phonics– Practice all sounds on your simple sound chart. Play this word building game by using the sounds or letters in the words ‘chocolate eggs’ to see how many of your own words you can make. I will give you some to get you started- get, chat, cot.
    Also, you can take time to practise your speedy blending using the game shown below.

2. Reading– Play some more of ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ by logging in using your account details.
3. Also, work on the reading of the speed sounds, green words, red words and the short story on your reading sheet booklet.

Red literacy group- sheet 3

Green literacy group- sheet 12

Pink literacy group- sheet 27

Complete the ‘questions to talk about’ section detailed at the bottom of page

4. Writing– Do the ‘Hold A Sentence’ on the bottom of the reading page detailed above in your blue jotter. Please do this on the lined section and look at your ‘reminder of writing skills’ sheet to help. Steps are 1. Grown up reads sentence. 2. Practise saying the sentence aloud a number of times until child remembers it. 3. Grown up models how to write the sentence (can use back pages of blue jotter or spare paper from home) 4. Child writes sentence independently without a visual. Encourage them to keep saying it as they write. 5. Check the writing. What went well, what do they need to remember for next time?


Numeracy – Lets begin our recap of subtraction

Mental and Activity

1. Take time to look at and talk about what we have learned about subtraction or take-away  in class using the poster from your pack to help.

🧸Collect 6 teddies or toys from home and place them on your sofa.
How many do you have all together? If we take some away, will the number get bigger or smaller?
🎲 Using your dice, roll and then take away that number of teddies or toys from the sofa.How many do you have left? Can you use the different strategies on the poster to show/prove and check this? Use you little green jotter if you want to show your learning. Do this until you roll all numbers on your dice please.

(Teaching points for parents to help if needed  – Remember, when we subtract the biggest number always comes first and after taking away, our answer gets smaller or less. Also, we can then use adding to check our answer eg 5-2=3 shows us that if we start with 5 then take 2 away, we are left with 3. Also, if we then combine the 3 back together with the 2 by adding, we then have 5 again. The fancy name for this is inverse operation and we will practice this more later.)

Other learning task- Art/Outdoor fun

Easter is a time of new beginnings and all around us in nature we see this. If you have a garden or outdoor area you can safely play in, see if you can create an Easter or spring-themed piece of artwork using the resources around you. Remember, just like when we have taken part in tasks like this in school, be safe and sensible by washing your hands and do not touch your face whilst working.  If you prefer, this can be done inside with items in your home. Don’t forget to send us some photos of your creations. Please see some examples below, but you can create whatever you want!

