Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 8 Wednesday 22nd April

Hi all! Here is your learning for today and it is a little bit different to normal as it is all based around the podcast series ‘JoJo Gnome’ that we have used a few times in school already this year.  It will give us a range of learning opportunities for today…

Watch the following podcast, ‘JoJo Gnome and Home School’.  It is the latest episode in the JoJo Gnome series.  You can click the link here or use the website below.

Listen to the podcast and then do the following cross curricular learning activities based upon the story today..

1 – Writing

Use your imagination to complete the ‘story starter’ task given at the end of the podcast.

2  – Expressive Art and Literacy

Make a sign for your home-school just like in JoJo Gnome.  Remember to make it clear and colourful.  Can you draw or write some of the things you like about going to school in your own home just like JoJo did?

3 – Talking and Listening challenge

We all have to stay home at the moment to keep ourselves and others safe.  We are all doing our best but of course we miss our normal school!  Think about what you miss about going to real school and talk about it with someone at home.   What does your grown-up miss?  Remember that things will all get back to ‘normal’ one day soon so keep positive and be kind to each other!

4 – ICT

JoJo was given the challenge to find a leaf, flower, bug, water and something interesting, he found them all! Can you find any of these things and try taking a photo on a device you have at home?  How do you then view the images you have taken? See if you can get a grown up to help you to send me one!

5 – Number

Jojo spends time focusing on the number 5 so here are a few 5 themed number jobs for you to chose from.  The first is less tricky than the second so pick which suits.

See how many ways you can think of to show 5.  Maybe you can make some collections of 5, show 5 as a numeral but also as dots on a dice, as tallies, as numicon shape, on a 5 or 10s frame.  See what different ways you can think of.


Let see if we can learn to count in groups of 5, just like we practised when doing our tally marks last week. Use the video below and your 100 square and counters to find all of the numbers we say when we count from 0-50 in 5s.

6 – Celebrating success and wider achievement

We all have some special skills or talents and in the story we learn that JoJo was good at hulahooping.  He even taught Grandpa and Aunty Molly to hulahoop with mixed success!  What are you especially good at and can you teach a grown up how to do it?

7 – Dance – Take time to dance and be happy like JoJo using the link below

8- Health and Wellbeing

Just like JoJo, can you help to make lunch for your family at home today?



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