Primary 1 – Term 4 Day 2: Tuesday 14th April

I hope the first day ‘back’ went well yesterday.   Below are your learning tasks for today.  I am trying to make it easy to follow by creating a familiar sequence of activity, particularly with literacy learning.  You will have noticed that we are covering 2 reading/writing sheets per week, 1 split over Monday and Tuesday and the 2nd split across Thursday and Friday.  I will be giving Wednesday over to focusing on tricky red words or something more flexible.  I hope that helps and makes sense.  This plan I hope will give a good balance between keeping up the children’s expected literacy progress as well as making it manageable and predicable for your home setting.  Any feedback on this plan, good or bad, would be appreciated and I am happy to take suggestions or to tweak this if it is not working well.  We are all learning together!

Phonics- 🎲

  1. Practice all sounds on sound chart just like yesterday
  2. 💗Pink literacy group – revise ‘igh’ by getting your grown up to say each word on the ‘igh’ page of your ‘speed sounds’ booklet and without looking, can you count the sounds using your ‘Fred fingers’ and try to write a few of these in your blue jotter. Next play your ‘race to the pond’ game using the ‘set 2’ side. Use the counters and dice provided.

💚Green literacy group – learn ‘igh’ sound as above. This is our first sound which has 3 letters that make one sound! So it can be tricky but you can do it! Can you find it on your sound chart? Can you remember which letters combine to make the sound ‘’igh”? Can you remember the helpful rhyme – “fly high” and talk about the picture on the card at the top left of the page? Can you read and say some “igh” sound words? Next, play the ‘set 1’ side of ‘race to the pond’. 

Red literacy group – Focus in any sounds you are finding tricky to remember and then play ‘race to the pond’ on set 1 side only. Reading- 📚

  1. All learners login to your OxfordOwl account using details provided on your ‘home learning folder’ and select a book to read or have read to you. There are some RWI ones on here that you may recognise from school! 
  2. Re-read your reading sheet from yesterday (see above photo)  and see if you can read it a little faster but with a good storyteller voice! (Red- sheet 3, Green- sheet 12 and Pink- sheet 27)


In your blue jotter, above the ‘hold a sentence’ from yesterday, can you draw a picture of something that happens in your reading sheet. Or to challenge yourself, can you draw a sequence of pictures to show what happens in the short story you read?  Try to include as much detail as you can. My advice would be to avoid felt tip pens as they will leak through to the next jotter pages! 😭

Don’t forget to schedule in some brain breaks.  Maybe you can use some of our favourite ‘Just Dance Kids’ videos by searching on YouTube.  Example below – Gummy Bear dance!

Numeracy – Counting with a focus on counting back.

1- Mental – when we take-away we are counting back.  Practice counting back from 20 using the song link below.  We enjoy dancing and counting to this in class.

2 – Mental – Use your number lines, counters and dice to play this counting back game.

Place out your number lines so as you have 0-21.  Get a grown up to put a blue counter on any number between 0 and 15.  Roll your dice.  Jump up the number line that amount.  (Grown ups- this is something we have been practising in school but can find quite tricky so please help to make sure we ‘jump’ up straight away and not on the same number instead or we will end up with the wrong answer!) What are we doing?  (We are counting up/forward, adding).  Put your counter down on the red side on the number you arrive at.  Can you now count backwards from your red counter all the way to the blue one , saying each number as you go?  What are we doing?  (We are counting back,  subtracting)

3 – Activity to consolidate – Please complete p6 of your Early Level Maths record book.

Other Task – Life Skills and Health and Wellbeing – Choose Kind

Help a grown up by learning to complete a tidy-up job at home or in the garden.

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