P1- Time to learn about half past

We are enjoying learning all about time. We learned how to tell a half past time and discussed how half is if something is shared in two equal parts. We noticed that 6 is half of 12 using our numicon and adding skills and this is why the 6 is right at the bottom of he clock face. We had a great time making our own watches using our knowledge of the clock and it’s parts.  Continue reading P1- Time to learn about half past

P1- Reflective learners

We have been developing our understanding of how to talk about ourselves as learners and recognise and share what we think is going well and what we can do next to get even better. We have even been giving our classmates some feedback on their learning too!

After working on teen numbers and applying this to some ‘all about number’ workbook based tasks,  we looked back on our work and shared firstly with a friend and then our teacher what we thought was our ‘best bit’ and what we wanted to try hard with next time.

P1- Invention and play

We love learning and playing in our class and outdoor environment and this week lots of us made some very inventive and creative models using different construction materials. We can share our thinking and tell others about our designs and how we overcame challenges. Amongst other things we had a waterfall, a new floor, a house with a trampoline, a train, some tall tall towers, a Lego work truck and even a real stick man!

P1- Our buddies helping us to learn

Thank you Mrs Paton and P7 for helping us to find wow words and create our own spells just like the witch in our 3rd and final Bookbug bag story!  Whilst some of us were working in p7’s classroom, others where showing our buddies how good we are at Scottish country dancing. We know 3 dances and know the steps to success are listening, counting, remembering the moves and the order and working together as a team!


P1- Adding colour to the world

As part of our learning about colour, we read the book ‘The Colour Thief’ about an alien who is so miserable living on his planet where everything is grey, so flies to earth to steal all of the vibrant colours to take home with him.

We created this lovely colourful display using colour mixing techniques with paints, oil pastels to create our favourite colour balloons and some collage work to represent planet earth. We loved sharing why we love our favourite colour so much with everyone. Here are some examples…

”I love green like the grass, plants and dinosaurs”

”I love red like strawberries, hearts and fire engines”

”I love blue like the sky, the ocean and sharks”

”I love pink like cotton candy and milkshakes”

P1- Telling the Time

We have been learning all about time. We have focussed on-

. What we already know including hearing time spoken about throughout the day at home and school, seeing the time on clocks, watches, phones, iPads, TVs and computer and units of time including days, weeks, months, years and even hours, minutes and seconds!

.We sang songs to help us to remember the days of the week and months of the year and are working in the order of these.

.We sorted everyday activities into things we do in the morning, afternoon or evening and learned about day and night.

.We learned about the structure of an analogue clock 🕰 It has a clock face, hands which tell us different parts of the time and numbers from 1-12 with 12 always being at the very top. When the big long minute hand points here it means o’clock!

.We worked in teams to create our own clock using hula hoops, sticks, flash cards and numicon. It was challenging but lots of fun!

.We played time bingo to help us to tell o’clock times.

.We have been telling our teacher the time during the school day.