Number order and ways to show 1

As part of our numeracy learning today we were focusing on the number 1 and it’s place in the number system. We enjoyed  the short programme ‘Counting with Rodd’ and even managed to do our giant ‘All about number’ workbook.  Through play we ordered numbers to ten and then hunted for numicon and mini glitter numbers in the water and sand. We then matched and sorted what we found into the rings beside the large wooden numerals. We found lots of tiny little number 1’s. We were also part of a number talk in our small groups. We loved finding only 1 thing from anywhere in the classroom to slide down the long tube and show our friends. We found lots of different things but they were all still just 1! In the ‘story of one’ we did lots of actions like clapping, hopping, jumping and even squeaking like a mouse. It was tricky to remember to do just 1.

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