P1 – Sense Smelling and Tasting

This week P1 have continued to learn more about our senses and we explored our sense of taste and smell. We smelled vinegar and surprisingly none of the P1s guessed it right. The closest guess was salty water! We also smelled coffee and nearly everyone got that one right. Most of the class said it’s the thing that mum or dad drinks to stay awake!









(Group 1)

We then moved onto tasting four different things and we had to describe what we tasted. We guessed the sugar straightaway and described it as sweet. We liked the salty crisps but agreed that we didn’t like that much of it as it isn’t healthy for you and it definitely wouldn’t be nice to taste on its own. The cinnamon taste was funny, some of us really didn’t like it but a few of us said it was their favourite and guessed it correctly as what goes into gingerbread. The last one was dark chocolate nibbles and it had a bitter taste which we quite liked.









(Group 2)

We had lots of fun exploring our sense of taste!

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