P1 – Our Senses

Today we started learning about our senses  – we discussed what the five senses are and what parts of our bodies we use.

We then worked around different activities to learn a bit more about some of the senses. We wore blindfolds and tried to write and draw pictures, this was a bit tricky for some of the class. We tried to remember all the items that Miss Gordon had put on a tray, then our partner took one away when we had our eyes closed and we had to try to figure out which one was gone.

We also worked with partners to learn more about our sense of touch and we had to describe an object to our partner and they had to guess what it was.  Next we will learn more about our sense of smell and taste.


P1 – Tig Madness

We did our daily 15 outside on Tuesday and played some creative tig games, it was such a nice afternoon and we had lots of fun!

P1 enjoy being able to move around and are always coming up with fantastic suggestions for ways that we can get our hearts beating faster!

P1 – The 100 Square

This week in numeracy we have been learning all about adding and subtracting using the 100 square. We first used the counters to cover the number that our partners told us to find on the square. It is quite tricky when you are trying to find the numbers quickly!

Then we had to find a new number and cover up the number which was one more/less. We worked our way up to being able to do ten more/less from a given number. We did really well!

P1 – Gymnastics

P1 have been working very hard and had the chance to show off all of the gymnastics skills they have been developing over the past eight weeks through team games. They really liked the part where they had to bunny hop over the benches and the tricky hurdle jumps.

The boys and girls have worked so hard during our gymnastics block and have developed lots of skills that they can transfer to other areas.  Well done Primary 1!

P1 – Literacy Time with Our Buddies

Primary 1 spent some time catching up with their P7 buddies after the Easter holidays.

P1 also spent some time working with the P7s to complete some tricky literacy tasks. They talked about what they did during the holidays, filled in an Easter snapshot and then the P1s read some of the books they have been working on during literacy to the P7s. Everyone did such an amazing job!