P1 – Gymnastics

This week in gym we have continued with gymnastics and we were learning how to jump in different ways on the floor and on apparatus. We jumped on and off a bench, jumped on the floor and also used a small springboard to jump from, this was great fun and we did really well with our landings!

P1 – Numeracy

This week in numeracy we have been learning all about subtraction and using different resources to help us. We used numicon to create our calculations and counters to take away, playdough for playdough smash and our pegs to work out how many are left. We then practiced writing a subtraction number sentence. We did really well!

P1 – Shape Hunt

P1 and P7 took part in a 3D shape hunt! It was lots of fun and we found lots of shapes outside.

We then continued with learning all about shapes and had lots of fun using twigs and play dough to make our own shapes! The boys and girls worked really well with this task and were able to build 3d shapes too! Well done!


P1 – Space Literacy Time

We have started with our second topic of this term, Space and we read a story called Back to Earth with a Bump! During our class literacy time we worked in co-operative learning groups to make our own story map and we each had a job to do in our group.  Everyone worked very well to carry out our jobs. We are looking forward to doing more special jobs in our groups!

P1 – Far Away

When chatting about our new topic, the children have been discussing the size of the sun, moon and stars and that they all look so tiny.  We did an experiment outside to show that as things get further away, they appear smaller, which is why the sun, moon and stars look so small.  We used two pieces of card and checked at the beginning of the experiment that they were exactly the same size. Rome then walked further and further away from Oli and we noticed that the piece of card Rome was holding appeared much smaller!