P1 – Goodbye Jacob

Today we said goodbye to Jacob as he is moving to another school. To say goodbye, Miss Gordon surprised Jacob and the rest of P1 with an ice cream party! Here they are having lots of fun eating their ice cream.

Good luck in your new school Jacob, we will miss you!

P1 – Buddy Bingo

This afternoon, Primary 1 spent time with their buddies and played bingo together. The Primary 1’s were great at recognising the numbers and many of them even managed to spot the numbers before their buddies!

Primary 1 had a lot of fun shouting out “Bingo”! Well done to everyone who managed to get a full house.

P1 – Day and Night Art

P1 have been learning about the differences and similarities between the night and day sky.

Miss Gordon asked the class to sort different pictures of what we see in the sky into day and night. There was lots of discussion around the pictures as some of them were a little hard to put into one category.

With the help of the pictures, we made our own day and night art! It was lots of fun and very messy.

P1 – Trip to Sensation

We had a fantastic day at Sensation! We had a chance to explore the centre after we took part in our Space Workshop. We got to climb up the giant nose and come down the slide, we played in the medical level that allowed us to take part in different operations, we dressed up as astronauts/scientists and we even made music from light!! The man who did the Space workshop was very impressed with all our fantastic learning about Space, well done everyone!