P1 – 100 Days of School

We celebrated our 100th day of Primary One! We had lots of fun at the different activities – we had to try and build something using 100 cubes/blocks, we used cotton buds and paint to make 100 dots on paper and we really enjoyed thinking of what we might look like when we are 100!

During literacy time we discussed what things we would like to have 100 of, some of the class thought it would be great to have 100 cars, 100 friends or 100 dogs!

During our brain break time, we challenged ourselves to complete 100 exercises and we managed it!

To finish off the day, we coloured in a colour coded 100 and also dabbed 100 dots on a large A3 100. Miss Gordon also took our pictures in front of a ‘100 days smarter’ sign to take home. We hope you enjoy it!

P1 – Family Tartan

This term we have been exploring different areas of Scottish culture. After looking at some examples of tartan and learning about its origin, Miss Gordon let us design our own family tartan! We used miniature cars to create the straight lines by driving them across our paper. It was lots of fun and very messy!!

Here are some of our finished tartan designs!

P1 – Money

In numeracy we are learning about money and this week we enjoyed having the chance to explore different coins, discuss what we use money for and try to use our knowledge of adding to find different totals to match the piggy bank. We really enjoyed this and worked very hard!

P1 – ICT Time

In our ICT time we have been developing our mouse control skills and learning about the different parts of the computer. With the help of our buddies, we played some fun games linked to adding. We had the choice of teddy bear cupcake or gingerbread man button adding and we worked through each level of the games!

P1 – Scottish Dancing

P1 have spent the last few weeks learning some Scottish Dancing routines. They have been practicing the Flying Scotsman, Canadian Barn Dance and The Military Two Step.

After their initial horror at having to dance with a boy or girl, everyone got right into the swing of things. We have some natural dancers within Primary 1!