P1 – Miss Gordon’s Wild Haggis

Miss Gordon challenged our class to a day of co-operative learning tasks. We were excited to work in groups with different people in our class.

First, we had to work in teams to complete a jigsaw. This was just the beginning of our day!

Then, Miss Gordon told us that she had a wild Scottish animal that she wanted to introduce us to, it was a haggis. It took a while for us to guess what it was because we thought it was a pig or a cow. She explained that her haggis needed a new home and it had hoped that P1 would help. Of course, we said yes!

We had to talk, agree and work as a group to decide what the haggis would need in a house, where the house would be and what things in our classroom we could use. We came up with some fantastic ideas!

After playtime, we went outside into the playground to try to recreate our houses and make new parts for Miss Gordon’s haggis to live in. Some groups decided the haggis might like a gym hall where it could play ball games like we do, others wanted to make him a cosy bed made from grass and one group even made the haggis a bath! It was lots of fun!

When we got back inside, Miss Gordon told us that her haggis wasn’t real! We were shocked! She explained that some people think that a haggis is an animal that runs wild in Scotland but really it’s a food made from different ingredients. We decided that haggis looks a bit like mince when it’s cut up!

We watched a man who was dressed in a kilt say some funny words to a haggis. He was saying ‘An Adress to a Haggis’ on Burns Night and we were really surprised that after learning some Scots that we could understand some of the sentences of the poem!

P1 – Problem Solving

We had a fun time trying to create our own house using the rods but it wasn’t easy, we had to follow some strict rules! We had to use 5 different colours and our house also had to have 2 windows, 1 door and a chimney. Here are some pictures of the fantastic houses we made!

P1 – Outdoor Class Literacy

During our class literacy time we worked with a learning partner and went outside to complete an A – Z outdoor word hunt!

Each partner pair had a clipboard and walked around the school grounds looking for things that started with each letter of the alphabet. This was lots of fun and we did really well sounding out words to find the initial sound and even writing words that we haven’t written before!


P1 – Numeracy

This term we have continued to learn all about addition and we have been learning how to write our own addition number sentences. We are doing very well with this and have been using lots of different fun activities during our numeracy time. Here are some pictures of the partner sums that we have been practicing.

P1 – The Story Doctor Visits

It has been a very busy week in P1!

We were all very surprised when the Story Doctor visited us on Tuesday afternoon. As we have been learning about Scotland, the Story Doctor shared the story of Rashie Coatie (a Scottish version of Cinderella), and also Houlet Bairns. Then we sang some Scottish songs together (Ma hands on masel, and Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff The Bus). We were great listeners and contributors during the visit.

We loved having her in our class and we were very quick to ask her when she could come back to share more stories with us!