Our Exciting New RWI Bookbag Books


You may have noticed your child already coming home with one of our new and exciting RWI ‘bookbag’ books (and if not, they soon will be!) These books directly link to the RWI phonics storybook your child is working on in school and are specially designed for a family environment to promote and encourage reading for enjoyment and build understanding and speed when reading independently.  The short video above has some information for parents about these new books.  However, if you have any questions regarding these, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Our children deserve the best!  As a school we have invested quite a sum of money into ensuring all children love to read both at school and at home and these books will help with this.  We ask for your support in ensuring they are enjoyed, shared but also returned to school by the specified day (your child will know when this is).  The books will be given to children in a nice new plastic wallet to help keep our lovely new reading material looking fabulous!   Enjoy reading them together as a family!


Miss Thompson

P1 – Shape

This term we are learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We started off this week with exploring the shapes, making sure we knew the names and the features of them. Then we worked in partners to play ‘Guess the Shape’ – the shapes were hidden in a feely bag and we took it in turns to describe a shape in the bag to our partner and they had to work out which shape it was, it was great fun! We have also been using our fine motor skills to cut, stick and draw the different shapes.

P1 – Outdoor Fun

Here we are making the most of the lovely weather on Friday, we took chalk outside and wrote our sounds/numbers and drew some pictures.  We also used the outdoor equipment to practise our balancing and co-ordination, this was quite tricky on some of the equipment!

P1 – Gymnastics

For the next 5 weeks we are focusing on gymnastics in our gym time and today we started with learning how to balance and hold our bodies in different shapes on the floor and on apparatus.

We also learned how to do some stretch positions in gymnastics and learned the special names these stretches have – tuck, pike, straddle, front and back support.  We then worked around the various stations developing our gymnastic positions.

P1 – Goodbye Thomas!

Yesterday we said goodbye to Thomas as he is moving to Australia with his family. P1 surprised him with a goodbye party and a card. We played who is missing, musical bumps/statues and guess who. We also had a dance party and it was lots of fun!

Good luck in Australia Thomas, we will miss you!


P1 – Ball Skills

Last term we focused on our ball control in gym and Miss Gordon wanted to see how much we could remember. Here we are having lots of fun playing some team games and also practicing our individual skills at different stations. We worked hard and showed Miss Gordon how much we have developed our coordination and control.

Before we begin our gym lessons we always do a warm up and the boys and girls know it is very important to get our bodies ready for exercise. They can list the different things that happen to our bodies when we start to move.

P1 – Sticky Finger Fun

We read a book about Greyfriars Bobby and learned about the type of cattle that Old Joc and Bobby would have looked after.

We had to tear up a lot of tissue paper to make our Scottie dogs and Highland cows. This was lots of fun! Then we used the glue sticks to stick our crumpled balls of tissue paper onto the animals template, our hands were covered in glue by the time we had finished!

We spoke about how to be successful in our task and decided that the most important thing was teamwork and to make sure that no partner felt left out. Well done P1, your animals look fantastic!

P1 – Building the Forth Road Bridge

We learned about the history of the Forth Road Bridge and looked at it’s design. We really liked the three giant structures and were amazed that it could stretch across the water. After watching a video that showed us how it was built and looking at some pictures of the bridge, we designed our own. We think they look fantastic!

Here are some of our final designs!