All posts by ddspaton810@glow

Using our senses outside!

We took advantage of the lovely weather today and completed a senses hunt outside. We each had our own clipboard and had to draw pictures of the things we could see, hear, smell and touch outside. We also had to draw things that we shouldn’t taste – some of the boys and girls drew berries as they said they might be poisonous and make you sick if you eat them, well done!



Today in gym we had our last session of gymnastics and we had the chance to work at six different stations using all of the skills we have been developing over the past eight weeks. We really liked the station where we had to bunny hop over the bench and although it was a bit tricky to begin with, we were very confident by the end of the session.

The boys and girls have worked so hard during our gymnastics block and have developed lots of skills that they can transfer to other areas.  Well done Primary 1!

Our Senses

Today we started learning about our senses  – we discussed what the five senses are and what parts of our bodies we use. We created a thinking map and made a list of all the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

We then worked around different activities to learn a bit more about some of the senses. We wore blindfolds and tried to write and draw pictures, this was a bit tricky.  We worked with partners to learn more about our sense of touch and we had to describe an object to our partner and they had to guess what it was.  Next we will learn more about our sense of smell and taste.

Welcome back Mr McLean!

The boys and girls were very happy to see Mr McLean return this afternoon to continue with the Kodaly music lessons. He will be visiting every Tuesday for the rest of the term and we are looking forward to learning more of the fantastic songs and playing games with Mr McLean.


This week in numeracy we have been learning all about subtraction and using different resources to help us. We used pom poms which we had to hide under a tub and our partner had to work out how many were left, we then practiced writing a subtraction number sentence. We did really well!


We had a fantastic day at Sensation yesterday!We had a chance to explore the centre before we did a Space Workshop. We got to climb up the giant nose and come down the slide, we played in the sand pit that changes colour and shows lava, we dressed up as astronauts and we even met a dinosaur called Fluffy!! The man who did the Space workshop was very impressed with all our fantastic learning about Space, well done everyone!


This week in gym we have continued with gymnastics and we were learning how to jump in different ways on the floor and on apparatus. We jumped on and off a bench, jumped on the floor and also used a small springboard to jump from, this was great fun and we did really well with our landings!