All posts by ddspaton810@glow


This week in our numeracy lessons we have continued with learning all about our numbers. We have also been doing some fun number activities to develop our counting skills.  Here we are matching the number of spots on the dominoes to the correct number card and then we counted out the correct amount of teddy bears.  We enjoyed the roll a dice and build a tower game too! This time we had to match the tower to the correct number on our mats. We did really well with this!


This week in literacy we are revisiting all of the sounds we have learned this term, there are 15 altogether! We have worked so hard and today we were blending some of the sounds together to make words. We also had great fun practising writing our sounds in paint bags using cotton wool buds.  We then worked on improving our fine motor skills and used tongs to pick up things that were hidden in the sand box. This was really fun and once we picked it out we matched the initial sound of the item to the correct sound card.

Visiting the Sheltered Housing Complex

This afternoon we had our second visit to the Sheltered Housing Complex. This week we coloured in lots of lovely pictures with the men and women that live there, we also sang a few songs before it was time to come home. Primary One are really enjoying this experience and are already asking what we can do when we visit next week!


In our gym lessons we have been focusing on our throwing techniques and today we took part in team races and worked on our throwing skills.  We really enjoy these relay races and have been working well in our teams and encouraging our team mates.

Art and Autumn

Since today was the first day of Autumn, on our walk this morning we collected leaves to use later in an art lesson.  This week our topic focus has been Jack and the Beanstalk and this afternoon we each made our own beanstalk picture.  We used the leaves to add some texture to our designs and we think they look great!

Visiting the Sheltered Housing Complex

This afternoon we visited the sheltered housing complex on Dickson Avenue.  The children were very excited on our walk down there and they really enjoyed their time there. We did some jigsaws and read a few books with the men and women that live there and we even had time to sing a few songs before we came back to school!  It was lovely and we are all looking forward to going back next Thursday.



This morning we were learning the different parts of a computer and can name the mouse, keyboard and screen. We then worked with a learning partner to complete a number game, we really enjoyed this caterpillar game and worked very hard to put the numbers in the correct order.