All posts by ddspaton810@glow


This week in numeracy we continued with learning about numbers and we tried out some new activities when working at different stations. Here we are with our Say It, Make It, Write It mats – we had to pick a numicon shape from a bag, say what that number the shape was, then make a tower with that number of cubes and then write the number at the bottom of the mat. We really enjoyed this!

We also played a counting game with cups, we had to count the number of dots in the circles and then find the correct number cup and match it to our mat.


Library Visit

On Friday afternoon we visited Menzieshill Library with our buddies and we will continue to do this every fortnight. On the way to the library we had a walk around the new community garden in Menzieshill, it is lovely!  Before we picked books, the library manager talked to us about the library and gave everyone their own library cards. The buddies helped the boys and girls choose a book and then they took them to the desk with their library cards.  We are looking forward to our next visit!

Role play and daily 15 fun

Here we are having some fun dressing up as people who help us. The boys and girls are really enjoying this topic and are looking forward to learning more about the people that help us.

We did our daily 15 outside yesterday and played some games, it was windy but lots of fun! The class enjoy this and are coming up with fantastic suggestions for ways that we can get our hearts beating faster!

Our ‘eggsperiment’!

This week we have continued with learning all about how to stay healthy and we have focused on the importance of brushing our teeth.

We did a little ‘eggsperiment’ to find out what sugary drinks do to our teeth. On Monday afternoon we placed five eggs in five different drinks – milk, water, Coke, Vimto and fresh orange juice – and we left them soaking in the drinks overnight. The boys and girls were very excited this morning to find out what had happened! Some thought the eggs might explode!

We took the eggs out of the cups and couldn’t believe our eyes! The children were astonished at the Coke and Vimto ones, they had turned the eggs really dark and were very stained. We spoke about why this might happen and they thought that it might be because of sugar.  Exactly! The sugary drinks stained the eggs, just like they might stain our teeth. We said that it is okay to have these drinks now and again but not every day and to remember it is important to brush our teeth twice a day.

We then used toothbrushes to clean laminated teeth which were covered in stains and also made some mouth models using mini marshmallows for the teeth!

At the end of the lesson we discussed which foods we think are healthy for our teeth and we stuck these onto big huge teeth!

How dirty are our hands part 2!

Last week we were learning why it is so important to wash our hands and we carried out some experiments. Here we are examining the potato pieces a week on to find out what happened to them. We examined each one and noticed that that each potato piece had white furry stuff on it.  We learned that these germs are called mould or bacteria and we noticed that the potato piece we all touched with our hands had the most amount of mould!

The potato piece that wasn’t touched had the smallest amount, the boys and girls were very interested in this and we discussed it in more detail, learning that this potato piece is important because it shows us how many germs already existed there. The other pieces started with this many germs but once they had touched other things the potato picked up more germs.

The boys and girls have been remembering the 5 steps to follow when washing their hands and they have been showing each other what to do.

Numeracy fun

This term in numeracy we are continuing with learning all about numbers to 20, we are now at number 13.  We have three numeracy stations that we all get the chance to work at and have lots of fun whilst we are learning! Some stations involve partner work and the boys and girls are very good at taking turns and helping their partners.


This week in literacy we have been very busy! We have been learning about vowels and as you can see from the picture we are very proud of our vowel work! We have also been reviewing all of the sounds we have learned so far and we played a fidget spinner sound game and used tongs to pick out sounds from sand which we then we had to write on our mats.  Next week we will be learning three new sounds, the boys and girls are doing so well with their sounds and enjoy literacy time.

Ball fun in gym

We are developing our ball control skills in gym and here we are having lots of fun at different stations. We will be working on our ball control skills over the next few weeks and developing our coordination and control.  Before we begin our gym lessons we always do a warm up and the boys and girls know it is very important to get our bodies ready for exercise.

Daily 15 with our buddies

During buddy time we did our Daily 15 outside, the boys and girls had great fun! The Daily 15 has replaced the Daily Mile Walk and each day we will be increasing our heart rate for 15 minutes by taking part in various physical activities.  The Daily 15 can be done outside or in the classroom, handy for wet days!

Autumn Party!

This afternoon we had lots of fun at our party! The whole school took part in a parade then we stayed in the hall to play some games and we also had a dancing competition! We then went back to the classroom and had some juice and snacks, we were so thirsty after all that dancing!