All posts by ddspaton810@glow

Happy Birthday Aoife!

Aoife celebrated her 5th birthday on Friday, she picked a card that her classmates had made and we sang Happy Birthday to her. Aoife also had a visit from the Kindness Fairy and she said that we can be kind by helping people to clean up if they spill their lunch.  Well done Aoife!

Visiting Santa

Yesterday we walked down to Menzieshill Community Centre with the boys and girls from the nursery to visit Santa, it was so much fun and it even snowed on the walk back to school! As well as seeing Santa we also watched a puppet show, sang some Christmas songs and had some juice and biscuits.

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Ruby celebrated her 5th birthday on Tuesday, what a busy day she had performing in two shows! Well done Ruby!  Ruby picked a card from her classmates and told us all about her gymnastics party she had at the weekend, sounds like lots of fun!