Learning about money

On Friday afternoon we were learning all about money and before we started our activities we had a discussion about what money is and what we need it for. We were able to tell Mrs Paton where we get money and what sorts of things we use money for – we also could sort items into what we need and what we want.  We decided that we need food and clothes but things like toys and holidays are things we want.

We then worked around different activities, we had a little shop set up and we took it in turns to be the shopkeeper and the shopper, this was lots of fun and we used our adding skills to work out how much we needed to pay. We also played a money game on the whiteboard and made some caterpillar pictures by drawing around the coins. In the sand tray we had to find the coins, pick them out with the tongs and then match the coin to the Numicon shape, we were also able to work out that a 5p and a 2p adds to 7p and placed this beside the shape. We worked very hard!

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