Celebrating 100 days of learning!

Today was our 100th day of Primary One! We had lots of fun at the different activities – we had to try and build something using 100 cups, we used cotton buds and paint to make 100 dots on paper and we really enjoyed thinking of what we might look like when we are 100! We used cotton wool to give ourselves white hair and some of the boys gave themselves a moustache.

During literacy time we discussed what things we would like to have 100 of, some of the class thought it would be great to have 100 friends or 100 dogs!

During our gym time this afternoon we challenged ourselves to complete 100 exercises and we managed it! We were very proud of ourselves for doing this.

The challenge we loved the most was the sweetie hunt! Mrs Paton hid 100 sweets all over the classroom and when we found one we had to match it to the number on the 100 square map, we managed to find them all by the end of the day and we will get to take the sweets home tomorrow.

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