Our ‘eggsperiment’!

This week we have continued with learning all about how to stay healthy and we have focused on the importance of brushing our teeth.

We did a little ‘eggsperiment’ to find out what sugary drinks do to our teeth. On Monday afternoon we placed five eggs in five different drinks – milk, water, Coke, Vimto and fresh orange juice – and we left them soaking in the drinks overnight. The boys and girls were very excited this morning to find out what had happened! Some thought the eggs might explode!

We took the eggs out of the cups and couldn’t believe our eyes! The children were astonished at the Coke and Vimto ones, they had turned the eggs really dark and were very stained. We spoke about why this might happen and they thought that it might be because of sugar.  Exactly! The sugary drinks stained the eggs, just like they might stain our teeth. We said that it is okay to have these drinks now and again but not every day and to remember it is important to brush our teeth twice a day.

We then used toothbrushes to clean laminated teeth which were covered in stains and also made some mouth models using mini marshmallows for the teeth!

At the end of the lesson we discussed which foods we think are healthy for our teeth and we stuck these onto big huge teeth!

One thought on “Our ‘eggsperiment’!”

  1. This sounds like really fun learning. Thank you P1 for letting us see the eggs. We will also think carefully about the health messages you have taught us. From P3

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