How dirty are our hands part 2!

Last week we were learning why it is so important to wash our hands and we carried out some experiments. Here we are examining the potato pieces a week on to find out what happened to them. We examined each one and noticed that that each potato piece had white furry stuff on it.  We learned that these germs are called mould or bacteria and we noticed that the potato piece we all touched with our hands had the most amount of mould!

The potato piece that wasn’t touched had the smallest amount, the boys and girls were very interested in this and we discussed it in more detail, learning that this potato piece is important because it shows us how many germs already existed there. The other pieces started with this many germs but once they had touched other things the potato picked up more germs.

The boys and girls have been remembering the 5 steps to follow when washing their hands and they have been showing each other what to do.

2 thoughts on “How dirty are our hands part 2!”

  1. My goodness the boys and girls have been so busy. Love seeing what they have been up to and being able to chat with Sophie at home about her work x

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